The Dream

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--- Dream ---

I am sitting with Harry in the meadow, talking. I look at him. I realise how much I love him and how much I want to stay with him forever. I hear a rustling, Harry hears it too. We snap our heads round at a pack of wolves coming into the meadow.

"This is ours." Harry says confidently. The wolves growl. He stands up, me following him. He pushes me behind him, protecting me. I want to say something, but I can tell this isn't the right time. Harry keeps trying to reason with them, they still don't stand down. I come out from behind Harry's back. "NO!" Harry yells. The wolf springs at me, I dodge it, but only very slightly. They started attacking Harry. I try to fight, but I feel weak, not my normal vampire self.

"STOP IT!" I shout. "Please." I whisper, tears are clouding my vision. I hear a yell. The wolves back away and march off. I run over to Harry, finding him with a huge bite mark on his torso. He told me if a werewolf bites a vampire, it could be fatal. This seems like one of those. "Harry, stay with me, please." I whisper, my tears falling onto his face. His eyes are drifting, breathing is slowing. "I love you." I kiss him, for the first and probably last time. "Is there anything I can do?" He nods.

"Yes, if you could let me drink from you. Your blood is strong enough to help me heal." I look at him. I thought I was a vampire, that I had no blood that he could drink?

"Okay." I lower my wrist towards his mouth. He smiles and pierces his fangs inside my wrist. I want to scream, but I don't. I cry a little. My vision starts getting blurry. "Harry... Stop..." He does. He licks his lips and rests satisfied. I still see black dots. I can't hold on anymore. I fall onto Harry's chest.

"Eli? Eli? Wake up." I hear him faintly saying. I can't answer, I feel numbness taking over my body. Like I am dying. I give up.

---End of Dream---

"Eli? Eli? Wake up!" I hear Harry saying. I do. I sit up in bed, sweating. "What happened?"

"It was a nightmare." I replay it for him in my mind. I finish and he hugs me tightly. I feel tears running down my cheeks again. "Sshh, don't cry, don't cry." He says stroking my back.

"It was horrible." I whisper.

"I know."

"But what I don't get is..." I pull away and lie back down, Harry does so too, putting his arm around me, I rest my head on his bare chest. "Is that, I wasn't a vampire in that dream."

"I think I know the answer"


"Well, you won't like this. But when a vampire has a dream, it predicts some part of the future."

"D-d-d-do you mean you might die?"

"No. One of the Elders power is to make a vampire turn back into a human. It is extremely painful. They usually do it to kill someone easier."


"So that's why I was hesitant to tell Charlie about your shield power, cause of the power that Cairo posses."

"So, do you think if I refuse to go to the Elders, Cairo may use his power on me. But wouldn't it not work?"

"Just because you are a shield, doesn't mean that he can't use his power. The Elders powers work on anyone." I nod.

"What time is it?"


"Can we get up?"

"Sure, if your not tired."

"I'm not, I just need to think." We go downstairs, hand in hand. "I'm thirsty again." I tell him.

"We could go now."

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