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Constantly falling.

My mind not ready to accept that I am human again, and yet, I don't know what I am. My thoughts are all in a jumble, falling isn't the best thing to be doing when you are trying to figure your life out. The sensation of falling stops. I feel my fingers tingling, it travels up my arms, into my neck, up into my brain. It continues to take over my body. It feels foreign to me, but I have encountered it before.

The sensation of life.

Actual blood pumping through your veins once again, the comforting beat of your heart.

I have missed it.

Being alive.

My eyelids are heavy, even if I try to lift them, they won't budge.

I wait.

My breathing becomes more fluent and steady, staying in the same pattern of 'in and out'. I take a deep breath in, filling my lungs and exhaling until I could exhale no more.

My eyelids start to become lighter, my eyes underneath them, start to see more than just blackness. Soon, my eyelids become light enough to lift. They flutter open, my eyes adjusting to the unnatural whiteness of the room. I recognise it. I remember.

It has white walls and no windows

I awoke as a vampire in this room.

I have awoken as a human in this room.

I am lying on the same bed. All too familiar.


My heart beats faster. Last time, he was here within seconds of my waking. But now, he is no where to be seen. My throat is dry from thirst and my stomach rumbles.

"Harry?" I whisper, my voice strained and dry. Nothing. I swallow a few times, hoping it would help my throat. "Harry?" I say in a louder though still strained voice. I sit up, feeling slightly dizzy from dehydration. My feet are bare and I am still in the same clothes I wore to see the Elders. I kick my feet round the side of the bed one at a time. I scoot forward until my feet touch the floor. I steady myself before standing up.

A wave of dizziness hits me, dots clouding my vision, but I stay standing. The feeling passes and my vision clears. I take a shaky step forward, and another until I am slowly but comfortably walking towards the door. I let my hand grasp the handle and pull it downwards. My hand automatically opens the door fully. With my movements slow and robotic, I walk towards the stairs which I had only ever used twice. I ascend the stairs slowly, making sure to not make any loud noises that could wake the people in the household.

I reach the top. It's quiet. I look around for a note. No such thing exists. I walk round to the kitchen to try to find some food. I open the cupboards one at a time. I find some bread and take it out. I walk round to the fridge. I open it and pull the butter out along with some cheese. My movements still robotic, I start to make a cheese sandwich. I grab a plate that was lying on the counter, waiting to be put away. I place the cheese sandwich on the plate and walk into the stting room. I sit down and start to eat. My vision not really focused on anything, and my mind wondering, I eat the sandwich without really knowing it. I place the plate in the sink and open the fridge yet again to grab a milk carton. I unscrew the cap and chug down some milk before placing it back in the fridge. I sigh.

I walk round to the living room, sitting down on the sofa. I check the clock that was hanging from the opposite wall 7:30. The blinds are down so I can't see outside. I get up once again and open the blinds. The sun is beginning to rise, quite pretty really. I hear footsteps approaching the door and whispered, hurried voices. Time slows down. The door handle moves slowly, the door opens slowly. I look up at the faces. It was at this point time moved at a normal rate again.

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