'Sure. So if I just say I'm not a shadowy demonic thing then I don't have to be it?'

"You've become salty again~ I like both your moods, they're both kinda playful."

I roll my eyes. 'Sure kid.'

He chuckles. "But I mean it, Cooth. If you need a bit of a reset and you need to be out, let me know first, okay?"

'Aight.' This guy. What did I do to deserve him as a host?


Charlie and I were headed to a coffee shop just before getting on our flight so he could see his brother back in Virginia.

I didn't know this before now, but Charlie actually used to live in the same district in Virginia that I did when I took my life. So basically, Charlie's going home and so am I. But it's not like I'm actually going HOME per say, just going back to where I once had been at some point in time.

Charlie was going back home to visit his brother who he had promised he would return to before he had left. I've obviously seen his brother before, but like hell was I gonna show myself to him. It doesn't matter how close Charlie is to him, I wasn't gonna scare him like that. After all, I am still a nightmare, weather Charlie has labeled himself my first friend or not.

Anyway, he gets two coffee's and I am grateful. We have both been getting use to the idea of just going back and forth. When Charlie needs a people break or sleep or a nap or something he asks me to take over for him. When I'm out I can do whatever I want in the confines of the law and "please don't break anything including me."

And that's fair, I can cope with this. After all, I did put myself into this position and generally have it pretty good. I don't think I could have a better host. He's really accepting and I'm grateful.

The flight back to Virginia was just like how it was going to London. But somehow, it sat better in my stomach knowing I was not attempting to kill the guy I first flew in with, but instead going with him as a friend.

That felt nice...

Anyway, enough of that sappy friend shit. I'm not use to being this at ease before, so it's making me soft, haha.

We get to Virginia and I help guide Charlie to getting his stuff and getting out of  the airport, but from there, this was kinda his deal, I'm just the one to watch.

At some point, I come out of hiding and let only Charlie see me so I don't disturb the general public.

"So you had told me before that you've lived in this district before?"

"Yeah. I went to college at Virginia State University."

"Oh yeah! That's right over there! Isn't that a historically black University?"

"Yeah, but not anymore. It's a really nice school, They teach well and are kinder and treat their students more as a family then a way to make money. Still never made any friends, but I never imagined i was going to anyway."

"Stop degrading yourself." Charlie told me.

"I can't help it. I'm an e m o boy." I joked.

"You are not!"

"If you knew me before I died, you would agree, I promise you." I told him. I wore a lot of black and definitely fit well in with the gothic group, but like I said before, their attitude was more 'look at me' then I cared for.

"You think some of your stuff is still there?" Charlie asked.

"They most likely threw it all away, honestly." I told him.

"We could always go check."

"Charlie. We're here for you. Not me. Don't worry about me. Just walk. Chastopher is waiting for you." I reminded him.

He nodded. "Just trying to get your stuff back is all."

"Don't worry about it." I told him and gently began to guid him forward. "March."

He laughs a bit and continues to walk.

After a while we pass the library that got me the book that put me into this position.

"What? You look all sentimental."

"That's where I got the book." I told him.

"There? That place... it has some pretty shitty reviews, you know that?"

"How the fuck does a library have shitty reviews?" I looked to him in disbelief.

Before he could respond there was someone yelling at us.

Yes. Us both.

Charlie and I turn to the person and my chest sunk. "Goddamnit I'm about to learn a lesson." I said.

"Who's that?" Charlie asked, looking at the woman walking to us.

Mid 40's. Kinda witchy look to her. Yep. Same lady from before. And she was looking directly at me.

I didn't know I was available to see to the public? Then I realize I'm not.

"Don't bother trying to hide, I can see you." She said, walking up.

"What do you want. I'm not here to listen to your life lessons."

She looks to Charlie. "You know you have a nightmare attached to you?" She told him.

I step in front of Charlie. "He knows." I growl.

She steps back. "Ahhhh, I see. You are embracing your mistake are you?" She asked.

"You wanna tell me your name?"

She smirks. "Call me Sarah. You didn't listen to me before, yet you embrace your mistake. I like that about you." She said. "Who is your friend?"

"Charlie. His name is Charlie. I'm Cooth. How can you see me when I'm not viewed for the public?" I asked.

"I'm a medium, honey, I see more than just you." She said.

"What do you want?" I asked, Charlie walking to stand next to me instead of behind me.

"Cooth. There's a secondary directive you can go for if the primary directive isn't working for you. One that they don't tell you about in your book." She said.

"A secondary directive? This isn't a trick is it?"

"No. Unlike the coven that created that book that tricked you, I am honest." She said. "They don't tell you about this because it's what ended their tradition last time." She said.

I nod. "Go on." I said.

The Sorry Tale Of Nightmare CoothWhere stories live. Discover now