"fucking dominic got caught trying to pick up a pack of heroin and now he's in jail, but i don't have the money to bail him out." he practically almost shouted, but he sounded very frustrated. dominic was his brother after all.

i rolled my eyes. "neither do i, tell him to stay overnight at the station because that's what he gets for being a dumb fucking cunt."

"joey you don't get it!" he shout again making me roll my eyes. "it's illegal."

"and what about it?" i scoff.

i heard a scream come in from my house. i turn over to face the door. "what the hell was that?" tayler asks.

"i don't know." i walk inside my house. "maybe bella came across a spider or something."

i heard a loud thump come from upstairs followed by glass shattering. i widened my eyes. "dude i gotta go!" i hang up the phone and throw it onto the couch before running up the stairs.

"bella!" i shout, bursting into her room. i practically almost fainted when i saw her body laying on the floor. i swallowed hard and walked closer to her.

my heart dropped. a puddle of blood started forming on the floor. i dropped down to my knees and start sobbing.

"fuck bella!" i pull her body onto my lap. and caress her head softly. i looked down at her stomach and notice she was stabbed. i look over at her bedroom window and saw it was all broken. the burgled must've jumped out which meant he couldn't have gone far.

i looked back down at bella and set her down on the floor gently. "joey we're home!" i heard my parents shout. i widened my eyes. i couldn't let them see bella like this, they'll think i did it.

i quickly grabbed bella's bedsheet and stoood up. i was about to cover her body until i heard a loud gasp. i looked over at the door and see my mother, father and soph standing there. soph's mouth dropped before hiding her face into my dads arm.

"joey, what did you do?!" my mother shouted.

*flashback over*

i shot up from my bed, gasping for air. i start breathing heavily. "joey, buddy are you okay?" dev gets up from the floor. i look over at him, it looked like he has been on his phone all night and hasn't gotten a drop of sleep. "did you dream about that night again?"

i nodded slowly and looked over at the clock. it was 2 a.m. which meant it has only been an hour since i fell asleep. i grabbed my water bottle from the counter and took a long sip from it. i got up from the bed and walked over to the chair where my sweater was.

"i'm gonna go get some coffee, i can't sleep." i tell dev. i heard him say okay. i slip on my shoes and put on my sweater before walking out of the hotel room.

i walk all the way to the diner. it wasn't that far from the hotel i was staying at. i wanted to grab a coffee and maybe even pay a visit to juniper. i think i'll finally have the guts to talk to her.

i open the door to the diner and walk in. my eyes immediately scan the room for her. i saw her sitting down at a booth by herself. she had her ear buds in her ears and it looked like she was scrolling on her phone.

i walk up to her. "can i join?"


"can i join?" i look up and see the hazeled eyes boy standing there. i smile warmly at him and nod.

he smiles and sits across from me. i take my earbuds out of my ears. "would you like some coffee?" i asked him.

he nods. "please, thank you."

i nod and get up. i walk into the kitchen and pour some hot water in a mug. i get his coffee ready and take it to him. i sit across from him and hand him his coffee. he thanks me once again before preparing his coffee.

"so i never got your name..." i trail off. "i mean i see you here practically everyday, but i never got your name."

he took a small sip of his coffee before answering me. "i'm joey."

i smile. finally i got his name. now i can stop calling him the hazeled eyes boy. "it's nice to meet you joey."

"it's nice to meet you too, juniper." i tilt my head a bit. "so you do know my name?" i asked him.

he nods. "of course, it says so on your name tag so." he points at my chest. i look down and see my name tag. wow i felt so dumb right now.

"oh right, of course." i let out a small giggle.

"so, do you usually work the night shifts?" he asked.

i nod. "i don't really like being home, so working the night shifts are my favorite."

"why's that?" he looked straight into my eyes. it felt like he was staring right into my soul. i didn't mind it much, his eyes were beautiful.

"my dads a dick. i've actually been trying to save up to move out of that shithole so." i shrug and take a sip of my coffee. it was starting to get cold too, but i didnt mind it much.

"family drama, been there." he sighs loudly. i look at him and cross my arms.

"how can your family hate you? you seem like a very successful person honestly." he shrugged and stood up from the booth. "come outside with me and i'll show ya."

i eyed him suspiciously. "is this the part where you kill me and i go missing?" he shook his head. "trust me my only intention with you is to be your friend, maybe more but that's it." he stuck his hand out for me to take. "what do you say?"

i shook my head and giggled again before taking his hand and standing up. "let's do it then."

he smiled and led me out to the front of the diner.

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