Chapter 3: Jealousy Is Not Very Punk Rock Of You

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Chapter 3: Jealousy Is Not Very Punk Rock Of You

Author’s Note: Okay, I know I said I would post this over the weekend but I was hella busy sorry, plus I read it over and didn’t like the way it was going so I rewrote it before calculus this morning. And I switched to Michael’s POV because it sounded better in my head idk. xx


Michael’s POV

Luke was trying to tell me the chords to one of our songs but I couldn’t concentrate because Eva and Calum were sitting really close to each other and laughing on that couch over there. I thought I made it clear to him that she was off-limits because I had dibs. Well, Luke had dibs first but that doesn’t count anymore.

I don’t know if I want to date her, but I do know that she is really attractive. Not like Kristina-sexy-slutty-attractive, but like Emma-Watson-intelligent-confident-attractive. And how could I only have just noticed it? And she’s American which is always a plus.

“You got all that?” I heard Luke finish.

“Wha-uh, yeah, cool,” thinking I was busted, but then saved by the bell. “Pizza’s here.” I swung my guitar strap off and followed everyone upstairs.

We crowded around the kitchen and I grabbed a slice without getting a plate first, and since I had nowhere else to put it, I just ate it. Kristina and Ash got out plates for everyone and gave me dirty looks.

“C’mon mate, you’ll get crumbs everywhere,” Ashton said.

“I would never waste a good pizza like that,” I said, and hopped on the counter since there were no chairs left. I grabbed another slice, this time with a plate and Eva hopped up next to me.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey,” I said with pizza in my mouth so it probably didn’t even sound like English and she laughed. I waited until I swallowed and said, “So, what were you and Calum talking about?”

“None of your business,” she said and then smiled real big. I rolled my eyes at that and she continued. “We were talking about you actually. He said that you look totally kissable with blue hair and I said you’re all his for now because I’m just waiting for you dye it pink.”

“But you hate pink,” I said. When she started laughing, I finally caught on to her bullshit and nudged her with my elbow. “So Calum doesn’t think I’m totally kissable? I’m hurt.”

“No that part is true.”

“Guys, listen up,” Ash interrupted. “Party here after the show tomorrow, invite your friends, I’ll supply the beer.” Everyone cheered and finished eating. We were on our way back downstairs when Eva tapped on my shoulder.

“My dad is picking me up in a few minutes so you can stay later if you want.”

“Oh, cool,” I said. “You’re coming tomorrow, though, right?”

“Yes, see you then.” She headed to the front door.

“You want me to wait with you?” I asked before she turned the door handle.

“No, it’s okay,” she said when she turned around. “It’s just a few minutes. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

I followed after everyone to the basement. We finally decided on a setlist, and since we had a time limit of 20 minutes, we’re only doing four songs. We rehearsed them one last time and packed up. It was still early so we decided to watch a movie. The six of us tried to squeeze on the couch but Ashton was basically sitting on Kristina.

“Get off of me!” She said, her voice muffled by Ash as he leaned on her. “You’re squishing me.” She pushed him, but he stayed put while she ended up on the floor. “You suck.” I wonder how long they’re going to pretend they hate each other, because if you ask me, I’d say they’re pretty hot for each other.

“I have to go anyway,” Kristina said. “Does anyone need a ride?”

Luke and Jaycee said they’d go too. Luke grabbed his guitar and Jaycee kissed everyone on the cheek goodbye because she thinks she’s French or something. Then they all left, leaving just me, Calum, and Ashton to watch Fast and Furious.

“I heard that you think I'm kissable,” I told Calum.

“First of all,” Calum said. “I said you were sexy. ‘Kissable’ is Eva’s word. I would never kiss you because you probably just taste like pizza all the time.”

“What’s wrong with pizza?” I defended.

“There’s nothing wrong with pizza,” Calum said. “It’s your secondhand pizza flavor that kinda grosses me out.”

“I wonder if it grosses out Eva,” I thought out loud.

“Dude, you are so whipped,” Ashton said.

“No I’m not,” I said. “I just think she’s hot.”

“Then you wouldn’t mind if I asked her out,” Calum said.

“No, off-limits, remember?” I said, maybe a little too quickly, and they laughed.

“I’m making a facebook event for the party,” Ashton said. Thank god he changed the subject. “Everyone has to bring a dollar to pitch in for alcohol because I am not spending all of my money, except girls get in free.”

“What?” Calum said. “That is so sexist.”

“It’s not sexist, it’s good marketing,” Ashton said. “If girls are free then they’ll go, and guys know that girls are going so they’ll go too. It’s science.”

“None of that made sense, Ash,” Calum said.

“It makes perfect sense, you’re just not sciency enough,” Ashton said.

“We get in free though, right?” Calum asked.

“Michael gets in free because he’s kissable, and you pay double for being a whiny bitch,” Ashton said.

“How big is this party gonna be anyway?” I asked.

“I’m inviting fifty people, so like eighty people will show up, probably.”

“I am not paying double,” Calum said.

“I’m kidding,” Ashton said. “The band is free too, mate, just don’t make me change my mind. Can we get back to the movie please?”

“Actually I’m pretty tired,” I said. “I’m gonna head home, but you can watch the movie.”

“Michael’s my ride home so I gotta go too. See ya,” Calum said.

“You guys are lame,” Ashton said. “See you tomorrow. Invite people. It’s gonna be great.” We got our instruments and left. Eighty people at Ashton’s parents’ house. It will definitely be great.

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