Him being even more of a douche was not helping, it seemed Jackson hated him even more in the last few weeks, like that was possible.

After their phone conversation Scott rushed out without a goodbye "Traitor!" I mumbled under my breath harshly

A few minutes later Whittemore himself burst through the door, slamming it behind him "Do you have to break everything" I asked looking up from the tv and to him

I only got a gruff I response "Hey I don't like this either" I piped up

He finally turned to me and looked me in the eyes "Dont gotta sound so enthusiastic Stilinski" he said in a bitter tone with a fake smile

"It could be worse" I said my heart starting to race, he hadn't broke eye contact till that moment, it look like he was dissecting me with his eyes. It took everything in me to keep my cheeks from going bright red and for my pants not to rise

He finally turned away, twisted his head all around so I couldn't see him, he was hiding something "No, it couldn't"


Going to Stiles house was hard enough but on a full moon was even worse. It was bad enough I didn't have an anchor but even worse that it might possible be stiles.

His eyes were beautiful, as were the rest of him, his smile was his best feature though, that lopsided grin or smug smile was all I needed.

I had to turn away from looking at him before I did something we would both regret. How the hell would I spend the rest of the night here

"We'll aren't you a ray of sunshine" I heard him say, I could literally hear his sarcasm

"Just being honest, that one was of our stupid pack rules right?" I asks perking an eyebrow trying to not stare at him

I could see his eye roll, he made sure very one could see his eye rolls "Honesty is the best policy" he said with a fake grin and a dead tone

"Yeah" I said looking around, normally I would fight back but I just didn't have it in me. Beads of sweat were already forming and I could feel my teeth pinching my gums and my claws poking out

He seemed to notice as he stood up chains already in his hands, like hell he was chaining me up "What the hell are those?" I barked

He just looked at me and stood there like an idiot, he was still cute as an idiot "Chains, you know, metal ropes that make sure you can't get loose and go on a killing rampage starting with me"

"I wouldnt kill you" I immediately defended, I was vein way too nice he would catch on soon enough

He just looked at me in a funny way, his eyes going soft and his whole face perking up but in a solemn way before he immediately went back to emotionless "Not taking the chance" he said looking through the window

"Look I don't need those just put on a movie I'll be fi-" I was cut off but my body jerking, ever since the Kanima it hurt like hell to transform let alone do any wolf things at all

"Wo Sourlizard calm down" he said coming closer

I glared up at him "Not....helping" I said panting now

Without Lydia I was anchor less and it wasn't like Stiles would all of a sudden stopping hating me, I could necessarily blame him anyway

"We'll then sit still and let me" he said closing the space

I pushed him out of the way stumbling foreword "I...D-Don't need t..them" I grunted

"Stop denying it lizard-wolf, your not as tough as you think" he said just making my blood boil, his voice just made my blood boil, it was perfect like with everything else about him.

I wiped around my blue eye piercing into his "I said....im fine" I growled

"No, your not" he argrued whipping around "Look im trying to help you"

"I don't need your help" i said through gritted teeth

"Yes you do" he said coming closer

"Get away from me" i growled staring at him, fangs exposed and teeth growing, his voice was making my heart beat faster and definitely not in the right way


Damn he was being an ass. I kept thinking it was just the full moon, and his appearnce definetly said that.

I stumbeled backwords a little my eyes a bit wide "Jackson, just let me help you" i said a bit softer trying a different approach

"Get away" he growled again as his face contorted in pain

I set down the chains lightly trying to make him less angry, or at least trying to calm him down "Don't you have something you can think of, something happy, something besides killing people...like me"

"I-I told you.....i would t-t..ouch you" he stumbeled foreword

I nodded "Okay..alright" i said, he wasn't growling at least. His eyes were bright and everything was fully extended now "So, why not for precaution i just chain you to this nice couch here" i said patting the couch

He had a dead look in his eyes, i knew that was stupid but i had to at least try "Do i look like a fucking toddler" he spat

"Jackson calm down"

"How the fuck can i calm down!?" he screamed "Im growing claws out of my fingers and hair everywhere, now tell me Stiles how the fuck can i calm down?!"

"Alright bad choice of words got it" i said thinking for a moment, like hell i would ever be his anchor, that definietly wouldn't work "Think of Lydia"

At the mention of her name his head bolted and he growled "Alright, even worse choice of words" apparently since everything Lydia was no longer an option for Jackson "You have to have an anchor, someone you actually care about"

"I don't" he groaned as he got closer his posture increasing

I shook my head, the moon was beginnign to shie even brighter and curtains did nothing "Yes, you do, you have to. What about being your own anchor" i considered backing up a bit, he could say he wouldn't hurt me and as much as i wanted to believe that i couldn't be sure

"I've tried" he murmured, we were getting no where, hell i was gonna die by a guy i was starting to like maybe lo- no, no. Wait, yes, yes i did like him, i did eve love him

I looked up at him, he was hunched over the coffee table twisting in pain. I ran up to him, i wouldn't warn him, that would just give him more of a chance to kill me

i grabbed his shoulders taking a chance as i twisted him around. I didn't even think before i pressed myself up against him. I led my lips to his and pressed them into each other kissing him tenderly but passionately.

To my surprise he didn't push me away, he didn't do anything, he actually grasped tighter onto me. He didn't stop and he didn't kill me he actually kissed me back.

I didn't stop and neither did he. He stopped shaking and his pulse rate when down. I pressed my tongue onto his lips having him quickly allow entrance. I explored his mouth like it was a new and exciting place, which it was, i could feel his teeth shrink. His eyes were shut tightly and he kissed me back even more then i did.

I found his tongue as they interlocked i made a quiet moan, i had been waiting for this forever. I slowly pushed away giving me a chance to breath. He kept his hand on my neck as he rested his forehead on mine "Told you you had an anchor" i said sotly and breathlessly

"Told you i was everyones type"

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