Brianna and Derek @Bri-Bri123

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My heart pounded through my ears as i took off full speed through the everlasting forest. I could still hear their chanting shouts and howls of rage directed towards me.

"Get her! I want her dead!" My used to be pack leader shouted at my used to be fellow pack memebers. They all turned on me, one mistake and she threw me out faster then molded bread.

I was on the run and i couldn't go back, there was no where to go back to. I ran and ran faster through the forest trying to find anywhere to go.

I heard Bretts calling howl, they were getting closer, sooner or later i'd be surrounded, i had to hide, i had to go somewhere. I could over power one or two, but all of them, i was dead.

I made the mistake of turning back and i fell flat on my face.

I grunted as i fell face first. I could feel the twisting of my ankle. I hoped up, i couldn't die, not like this.

My best efforts werent enoughh, they were getting closer, i could hear their pounding footsteeps and reckless breaths.

I shut my eyes breathing in before claws extending and bright crystal blue eyes flashing. I let out a pounding roar, if they wanted a fight, they were getting a fight.

I started to see Bretts outline as he raced closer. I stared him down.

They all came into vision, and i meant all.

I took a deep breath, possibly my last one, and shut my eyes. I would give this all i had.


Another pack meeting had been held, and of course it was at my house.

After all of the teens left the house was finally deserted.

The mess wasn't going to clean itself. I exhaled heavily and got to work.

As soon as i started i heard a low growl coming from the woods.

I snapped my head towards the window, there was more then one, there was dozens, maybe more.

A couple of them were noticeable, maybe even recognizable.

All of it seemed too weird, someone was getting chased

I dropped everything and ran down the stairs, whoever was getting chased didn't have much of a choice.

I probably shouldn't have gotten involved, actually as i started running it seemed like a worse and worse idea, but when i reached the woods and saw a damaged girl ready for a fight i knew it was worth it.

She was alone, ganged up on maybe?

I looked around, figures were becoming real and growing out of the shadows more and more every second.

My eyes darted from the attackers to the attacked.

Before i even could think logically i raced out to the girl and took her hand

Her body snapped towards me in a way that seemed painful.

Her face was full of complete bewilderment and anger "Who the hell are you!" she shouted keeping her feet firmly planted on the ground

Why do they always have to argure?

"Does that matter right now" I said as the figures became closer "Anyway im not really sure your in the position righ tnow to be asking question, run!" I shouted as i grabbed her arm and pulled her along

Teen wolf one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now