Chapter 4- A New Home and Confession

Start from the beginning

It was beautiful. I wondered why he did all of this. I started putting away my shoes then moved onto my clothes. I had a lot so I took awhile. Once I was finished with that I slowly opened the bathroom door. My mouth dropped
My bathroom:

   It wasn't crazy big but it was still amazing

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It wasn't crazy big but it was still amazing. I loved it. I continued unpacking and when I finished I walked into the kitchen. It was among as well. I was surprised at how awesome his home was, even if it was a penthouse. I couldn't wait to live here a full year.

   "Hello Sir

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"Hello Sir." I said as I asked in and sat down.
"No need for formality. We don't need that. We will after all be staying here together for a little more than a year." He said setting down two plates of pasta and sitting down next to me.
"Ok. Hey Aaron." I said.
"Hey." He said close to laughing. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Yes please. I'm parched." He got up chuckling.
"What would you like?"
"You got beer?" I asked. I rarely drank beer. It depended on my mood and right now I was in a mood for some.
"Sure just don't get too drunk."
"Please. I ain't getting drunk. That happened awhile ago." I rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled and grabbed my beer. I drank a sip. He grabbed himself a beer as well but took a longer sip. "You are going to be the drunk one here." I muttered under my breath.
"Hmm? What was that?" He asked me.
"Nothing." I said innocently.
"Nothing." He sighed.
"You know. We will have to learn to be honest with each other."
"Alright you are right. Now tell me. Why did you want to go through with this?"
"Because I want to marry you."
"But why?"
"You're beautiful."
"What?" I asked carefully hoping he'd get some sort of hint from my voice.
"You are beautiful. I want a beautiful wife and you seem to fit that description well." He took another sip of beer.
"Beautiful. That is the only thing you want?" I was close to yelling. "All you see in a marriage and me is beauty. Do you even care about what I act like? If I'm a gold digger you wouldn't care because I'm pretty?" His eyes widened a bit. "Do you even care if I'm kind. Do you care if I'm mean?! All you want is a pretty girl to call yours?! Well let me ask you this!" I was shouting now. "What if you saw a hot chick at a bar. Would you just go up to her and hook up with her even if you were married?!" His silence was all I needed. "Well that answers my question! Good bye!" I yelled and stormed away but I heard him following me.
"MIA!!" I heard him yell I kept going for the door. "Don't let her out!!" The guards blocked the door and I tried to push past them, but they wouldn't move. Then Aaron grabbed my arm. "Where do you think you're going." I ripped my arm out of his grip. I slapped him in the face. Hard. Like really hard my own hand hurt. He screamed.
"Out! And away from you!!" I turned and stomped my foot hard on the guards foot. I was wearing heels so it hurt really bad. The guard grabbed his foot and moved away from the door and I ran out. I heard Aaron yell my name then yell at the guard for letting me go. I heard them run after me and when I was outside I heard a car start up. I kept running as fast as I could but didn't know where I was going, I just knew I had to get away from him. I stopped to catch my breath and noticed I was at the park. My favorite park. The park I went to when I was bullied at school. The park I went to when things were rough at home and I had to get out. The park where I wrote my songs. I smiled and ran through the gates. As I was running I felt rain. 'Great.' I think to myself. I ran to the lake and sat down on the bench. I cried for so long. It was late so no one was around to see me.
I don't know how long I cried but at some point, I got up and started skipping stones. After I had used up most of the stones I saw a stone plunge in the water. I looked up next to me and saw Aaron standing there. I tried to run away but he grabbed my arm harder this time.
"Don't run. Just listen." I nodded but didn't like that he still held my arm. "I wouldn't. I wouldn't hook up with a hot chick at a bar ever. Especially when I'm dating someone or married. I didn't say anything because I was shocked. In all the interviews I have seen you in I never saw you get frustrated. Never saw you mad or yell. In just small paparazzi shots and videos you were always smiling or just no expression. I never saw or heard you yell like that before. Sure you yelled at your brother, but that is a sibling thing." He hesitated before saying, "I'm sorry."
"No. I'm sorry. You didn't say anything and all I thought was that that you would hook up with someone just because they're pretty. It's just. I have been through a lot in my life. When I was younger I was bullied, and when someone says that my fuse gets lit and I get angry real quick."
"You were bullied? What for?"
"Being poor." I muttered. He didn't hear me.
"Mia. Tell me. Honesty remember." I laughed lightly. Honesty was what started this fight.
"Being poor."
"Wait. You were poor?!"
"Poor as dirt." He brought me to the bench and sat me down next to him.
"Explain." He let go of my arm finally.
"When I was younger my family was poor. We lived in the welfare homes and had four rooms. My parents room, my room that I shared with Colton and Michael, the kitchen, and bathroom. We were so poor food was barely brought to the table. My brothers and I were lucky enough to get into a public school since we were smart. However I don't think I would have gotten in if it weren't for my brothers. We were smarter past math and science. But, I was bullied for being poor. When it got really bad I left school and came here. I ran and no one caught me. The were clueless."
"Wait what do you mean by that the fact that you were smarter past math and science?"
"As I said. Food was hard to come by. So we did all that we could. Steal." Aaron's face was priceless. "Don't tell. Anyway yeah. We would steal from multiple stores but only crowded ones. My favorite holiday was Black Friday Shopping. Even if you had the best security guards they would never catch us on that one day. It was the day I always looked forward to. Also sometimes I would go to where my dad works. He worked at a bar."
"Wait don't tell me you-" I cut him off.
"I would sometimes drink and eat what they had. I started drinking alcohol at 7 but stopped when we finally got money and were famous and all that. We barely ate. I couldn't starve. Anyway, my parents used to act different. Before they yelled at the bar tv since we didn't have one. They yelled at all the models, actors and other famous people. They yelled at them for being fake. But when they became famous. Money got to their heads. They became the people they yelled at."
"Mia I'm so sorry." Aaron hugged me and I hugged back. I started crying and he held on tighter. When I finally stopped he grabbed me brought me to his car and we went home. The ride was awkward but when we got there I ran up to my room. I quickly got in the shower and finished fast. I got in pajamas and used my phone for a few minutes. Then I put it down and fell asleep.

Hey everyone. So yeah that was Mia's background. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will update soon. Excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes. Also those pictures are not mine, they go to whoever they got to. I found them on Pinterest. Every picture I use will be from Pinterest so if there is a picture, know that it isn't mine. They belong to Pinterest.

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