After reading the love letter Gary sent me, I'm not even upset about being woken up because I hate being woken up. I get into my usual clothes and head down my loft with Pikachu hanging on my shoulder.

"Morning professor!" I happily greet him.

"Morning Ash." Kukui says slightly surprised about my happy mood.

We eat breakfast, and I can feel Kukui and Rotom's eyes on me. "Take a picture it lasts longer." I tell the two blankly then I look up at them.

Kukui looks away from me with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks while Rotom Dex still stares at me.

"Sorry Ash." I hear Kukui apologize.

I sigh feeling a bit guilty. "I just don't like being stared at." I tell him, and it's true. It took me a three months just to get used to Brock and Misty staring at me every once and awhile. I never had to get used to Gary, Professor Oak, or my mom staring at me because my mom is well my mom, I grew up with Gary and we had staring contests when we got super bored, and Professor Oak watched us quite a bit when we were kids and since sometimes we were in the lab he had to make sure we didn't mess with anything.

After I finish breakfast, Kukui tells me I can go ahead to the school without him. I make sure my Pokémon are done eating before calling them into their pokéballs.

"See you at the school, Professor." I tell him.

"See you later Ash." He says then Pikachu, Rotom, and I leave.

We take it slow since we don't have to rush there. Sadly though, Rotom asks me questions about Gary's research and I try to keep up but I couldn't answer some questions since I don't know the answer.

"Rotom." I say cutting off his question. "I don't know some of the answers, and you're not giving me enough time to answer the questions I do know the answer to. Just ask Gary your questions."

"How can I ask Gary questions when you run off without me to Gary?!" He asks me annoyed.

"You got me there." I say as we get the the school grounds. We get up to the classroom to see everyone but Mallow there. "Alola." I tell them.

"Alola." They greet.

"So Ash, what did you do yesterday on our day off?" Lillie asks.

"I sent more time with Gary." I shrug. "What did you guys do?"

"I do what I always do." Kiawe says. "Did my deliveries and worked on the farm."

"Fishing of course." Lana answers.

"I went with mother to help at Aether Paradise." Lillie says with a smile.

"That's cool Lillie." Lana says.

"I worked on my programs." Sophocles finishes off answering my question.

"Is Mallow okay?" I ask.

"We don't know." Lana answers a bit worried.

Professor Kukui walks in greeting us, and we greet him in return. That's when he notices we are short one person.

"Where's Mal-" Kukui starts to ask before we here footsteps running towards us.

"Sorry I'm late!" Mallow exclaims running in the classroom. She stops to catch her breath. "The kitchen was a mess and we helped my dad clean it." Mallow says gesturing to herself and Steenee.

"It's fine Mallow." Kukui tells her with a reassuring smile. "Just please try not to be late again."

"I'll try." She says as she goes to her seat with her Pokémon following her.

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