Chapter 8: Return of the White Fang and Blake's Trauma

Start from the beginning

Ruby grinned. "So who do you think did it?"

Sun put a finger to his chin. "I'm thinking the White Fang."

Blake flinched and silently backed away. Yang and Ruby looked glum. Weiss on the other hand, felt angry. "Of course it was..." she muttered, not realising that her teammates could hear her, because of their sensitive ears.

Ruby suddenly gave Weiss a chop to the head. "Ow! What was that for?!" "For ignoring a team emergency." Ruby replied, pointed at Blake who was on the ground hugging her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth.

Weiss gasped and everyone including Sun gathered around her. "Adam... please stop... Adam!" Her breathing became erratic.

Yang wrapped her arms around her partner. "Blake? What's wrong?" She asked frantically. "Adam!! No!"

Weiss watched in worry as Blake spasmed uncontrollably.

Yang pried her arms open and laid her flat on the ground. "Blake, stay with us!" "Adam..."

Sun inspected her. "Dilated pupils, shivering body, heavy sweating, hallucinations, cold forehead, dry mouth, increased heartbeat and pulse. And last but not least shout outs of someone or something!" "Adam... please stop!" "Like that! She's suffering a case of PTSD, Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder."

Ruby got up. "I'm calling the school!"

Yang cradled Blake's head. And Weiss didn't know what to think or say.

Blake POV (flashback)

"Adam..." 'I wish I never joined... I wish I never met him... I wish he never existed.'

I was on top of a rock watching the clouds in the sky, above the red trees of Forever Fall. I heard footsteps, and Adam Taurus walked up to me. "Blake. The train is here. We're going to raid it. Come with me." "Okay?"

We dashed towards the incoming train, we jumped on it and landed with our weapons drawn.

We entered the first car, and became surrounded by AK-130's. Adam grinned. "Looks like we'll be doing things the hard way..." I sighed. "Don't be so dramatic."

One robot pointed it's guns at them. "INTRUDER IDENTIFY YOURSELF." Adam shot his sword out of it's seethe and it hit the robot, making it go offline.

He then shot forwards, grabbing his Katana, and in an instant, 25% of the robots were destroyed.

I jumped in the air, dodging the bullets, and took out several with my Chain Whip.

We soon got separated as we ran into different cars. When I reunited with him, in the train's engine, I was almost sick. He had slashed at everything in sight, including the people, who weren't moving.

I nearly ran away then and there, when he looked at me through his Grimm mask. "Move on to the next car. I'll set the charges." "What about the other crew members?" "What about them?" My world shook, and I fell to my knees. "Blake?" "...why?"

Before Adam could answer me, a spider droid appeared, ready to attack us. He blocked the bullets and then the laser with his Sword, absorbing the blow with it.

"Bye me some time!" He yelled. As if I was programmed to do it, I moved forwards and slashed at the Droid's legs making it stagger. I disappeared into the shadows as soon as he released the energy loaded in his sword with a flying slash, destroying the Spider droid, and the train cars.

He seethed his weapon then looked around. "Blake? BLAKE!!"

I woke up gasping. When I saw I was in my bed at our dorm room in Beacon, I calmed down. "Hey kitty cat!" I looked to see my partner standing over me. She crouched down, her tail swaying back and forth. "How're ya feeling? Cause ya gave us one today I tell ya!"

I shot forwards, and captured her lips with my own, when I withdrew I latched on to her torso and buried my head in her chest, and cried. She was frozen for a while, before she acted.

She wrapped her arms around me and stood up, picking me up, and sat on my bed, wrapping her tail and legs around me.

She then wrapped her wings around me, cooing soft words in my ear. "It's ok, Blakey, I won't let that mean guy get you! What's is name? Aden?" I giggled and buried myself deeper into her sizeable breasts, smiling at the warmth.

She activated a part of her semblance, and I felt warmer. "I'll protect you from that guy, if he pops up, don't worry!" I never felt safer before, then in the arms of my new girlfriend.

(A/N: And the enemies are gathering... Mwahahaha! They're going to be how they were in RWBY CHIBI. So Cinder isn't quite going to be the devious flame wielding assassin that craves power, She was in the normal RWBY. And Adam is here! And he is the main object of Blake's fear. And Bumblebee is now finally here. Woohoo! Also, I'm gonna be giving some... improvements to the White Fang. But that'll come later.)

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