Chapter Four

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Chapter Four.

We sat in the back of the car, Jason and I, as Adam drove horrifically through the quick routes he had supposedly known was that fastest way to his house. As we sped through, he would suddenly halt, pressing hard on the breaks, forcing us to get thrown forward and collide with the car seats in front of us before resuming our perilous journey once again. Throughout the whole time he kept apologising for his driving skills and asking whether we were fine or not. Jason remained okay, although shock, was still in one piece. I, on the other hand, feel like my lungs had suddenly turned into punching bags where with every stop, the wind would get knocked out of me, leaving me to fulfil my dreams of becoming a deflated balloon.

"Well the instructor said that I drove rather, unpleasantly, but he didn't count me out because he claimed that it all wasn't technically unsafe and stuff," he explained, a little embarrassed as I was thrown forward once more.

"Cancer perk?" I wheezed as I grasped at my chest.

"Sounds like it," Jason answered as he sat back into his seat properly.

Cancer perks are basically these things that let us, the cancer patients, have some things earlier before other kids or something like that. Basically it's a free pass for us for almost anything.

"So I got my license early and as a gift to complete it was this trusty old car," Adam proudly announced as he patted the passenger seat beside him.

I supressed a giggle from the silly image my mind formed off Adam re-enacting that episode from Spongebob where the Mrs Puff gives up teaching him and gets rid of him by handing him his license just to reduce the amount of damage inflicted upon her driving school. That was a very funny episode when she tries to steal the car that his parents gifted him.

After a five minutes or so (felt longer than that though) we finally turned into the driveway of an almost atypical suburb house that was up on a little hill-like area. The garage door opened and in he drove into before finally turning off the engine and leaning a little back into his driver's seat while taking in deep breaths.

Jason must've felt a little uncomfortable since he had tapped me on my shoulder and gesturing that he was going out first just to avoid the silent moment that was filled with the sound of our breathing, or maybe he was just a wuss and didn't want to be that one awkward kid in the car. I nodded in reply and surely, he shot out of the car faster than I've ever seen him run (I'm not joking when I say he could run like the devil when he needed to back then). My mouth left agape as I was still a little stunned by his speed that I did not notice Adam turning around in his seat to look at me. When I had finally regained my thought a few seconds after, I could feel my face heating up once more as I realised how close I was to him. Our noses just centimetres apart.

I felt my heart beating against the wall that surrounded and protected it. It wanted to be free, to be let go, to live.

"Are you okay there, Ty?" Adam asked, the end of his lips perking up to form a cute smile.

I'm not going to lie, I think that he is a really hot guy. Like, the no-joke-drop-dead-gorgeous type of hot, but that's my opinion honestly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, my answer a little more breathy than I expected it to be.

"Well that's good then. How about we get out of the car and go in?" he suggests the obvious.


And with that, we got out of the car, with Jason's help of carrying my tank for me since I didn't prop it on its roller, and headed to the door of the garage that led into the house. For a moment, Adam dug his hand into his pocket and made a slight show of pulling the ring of keys out and fumbling with them for a few seconds before finally unlocking the door. I wasn't sure at all why he loved to make me nervous but I guess it's going to be a thing now. Inside the house, the walls were painted a bright yellow and there were frames hung up on the wall which displayed some inspirational quotes and funny pictures.

The Fault In Our Skylox [TFIOS/Skylox crossover]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz