Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I woke up to the sound of silence and darkness. For some reason I was hooked up to my BiPAP once more and was tucked under the covers. Had I really slept through the day just like that? I still felt tired but not enough to fall back asleep with. Finally, after giving up the fight of being restless, I sit up in my bed and pull out my laptop from the drawer in my bedside table. Turning on the power, the screen lit up and the laptop came to life as it began its loading screen.

Once it was finally turned on, I opened up my web browser and simply went over to my Facebook to see if anything new had occurred or what new fashion trends had come up. I don't really mind for the drama that the people in my school have so I barely ever use my account. The only reason I made it was because my friends kept requesting me to do it, hence why my account is registered on the billion dollar website.

Nothing new was on my news feed as I scrolled through. All that I could find was drama, drama, a few pictures, a post complaining about school, drama, drama, and, you guessed it, more drama.

Honestly, if the kids in my school wished that they could be celebrities or even millionaires, I suggest they create a show based on all the pathetic and unreasonable amount of drama found in my school. Now that I think of it, school isn't going to be as enjoyable as I thought it was going to be.

Closing the tab, I simply pulled up Microsoft Word and loaded the most recently saved file and resumed my typing away in the night. I liked to write stories. Fiction to be exact. It was a fun genre to write in because it lets your imagination run wild and free!

At least one part of me is wild and free, I thought as I was typing.

I was writing a story where the main character had impaired hearing due to him being a war hero and was struggling with an internal battle between suicide and going on. That is, until he meets his 'God' and starts to learn a new way of life, all with his physical flaw.

It was a rather cheesy story I had to admit but I felt calm and happy when writing because it was one of the few things I could do without having to seek permission from my parents and having to make a thousand promises and take a thousand more precautions just to do whatever it was I wanted to do.

In the midst of typing the climax of the story, I heard the familiar ring of the Facebook messenger. Apparently I had not closed the tab and had only minimised the browser, so I switched the windows to see who on earth was messaging me at this time of the night.

My best friend Jason had messaged me.

Jason: Hey there bro :)

Myself: Hey dude. What are you doing awake?

Jason: Couldn't sleep. Besides, who sleeps at this time when it's still vacation?

Myself: I do... :/

Jason: Lol well, what's new with you then?

Myself: So far the most adventurous thing I did was try and watch the Rush Hour marathon.

Jason: That's it?

Myself: Yeap.

Jason: Wow dude, you need to get out more.

Myself: Tell that to my parents *rolls eyes*

Jason: Hey, so...

Myself: What?

Jason: About that support group...

Not this again, I mentally groan.

Myself: For the last time Jason, it's a no from me.

The Fault In Our Skylox [TFIOS/Skylox crossover]Where stories live. Discover now