Chapter Three

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Chapter Three.

The next few days I had been exempted from going to school, much to my brothers' enjoyment, and remained confined to my room as my parents popped in occasionally to help me or something around those lines and to check on me of course. Other than that, there had been nothing interesting happening. Today was just another ordinary day where I just laid in bed and watch YouTube all the while after doing my regular studying session. A sick person still needs their education you know.

Just as I was in the midst of watching yet another gaming video when I heard a soft knocking on my room door. The door opened with a slight squeak and in popped in my mom's head, looking around until she finally saw me on my bed.

"Honey, Jason's here to see you," she announced happily.

Before I could respond, the door swung open and in came in Jason, marching happily like he was in a parade of some sort.

"Hey there," he said happily as he jumped onto my bed, making me bounce a little.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask him, putting away my laptop.

"Because you," he said as he poked me in the chest, "are coming with me to the support group today!"

"I thought my mom told me that I'm not allowed to leave this bed without her, let alone go anywhere else."

"Ty, how long more are you planning on avoiding civilisation?" Jason asks me, his smile now fraying.

"For as long as I can buddy. You know how bad I am with all this, social stuff."

"But this is different," he says. "We get to meet people. New people I might add."

"It isn't that different," I reply firmly.

"Can you just give it a try instead of presuming things?" Jason snapped suddenly.

I was taken aback at his sudden hostility and stayed silent. When he realised what he just done, his expression soften.

"I'm sorry, Ty, it's just that it hurts me to see you cooped up in your own room like this, alone and well."

"It's alright, Jason. I can't blame you for that," I answered softly.

Silence overcame us then.

"Fine, I'll go with you," I told him as I laid back down in my bed.

"I don't want to force you into this if you don't want to man," he says in an apologetic tone.

"its fine, Jason. I actually do want to go," I argued back.

"Are you-"

"Jason, would you like the whole school to know that you were beat up by a kid with malfunctioning lungs?"

With that, the both of us broke out into laughter, him laughing harder than I am due to my lungs unable to take in much oxygen, but we laughed our hearts out (not literally) nonetheless.

Pretty soon he went back downstairs as I finally forced myself out of bed and into the shower so that I could finally get ready to follow him to the support group. The whole time I was showering, I sat there (there was a chair for me to sit on so that I wouldn't lose my breath that fast and easily) and was thinking about how it'd go. Maybe they'll like me and maybe they won't.

I guess we'll have to hurry our asses up if we'd want to confirm our suspicions, I scolded myself mentally.

Within half an hour or so, I rushed down (more like limped fast down the stairs) and was rather out of breath by the time I met Jason once more. He simply chuckled at my lack of enthusiasm when I looked rather irritated that I can't sleep in on today like I usually do and have to go out.

The Fault In Our Skylox [TFIOS/Skylox crossover]Where stories live. Discover now