Chapter 17

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"Alfea?" Nabu asked.

"It was the first place I could think off" Bloom explained to them.

Flora brushes her hand against her side. She felt something and looked at her hand. On her hand was wet blood. Flora stares at it, totally surprised, not knowing what to do.

After a few seconds, Flora felt her legs totally giving out on her and she felt to the ground. That was the moment Flora realises she had been shot.

Benjamin saw Flora falling and went down to her. "Oh no! You're shot!"

The Winx turned around.

"Did Icy do this?!" Riven said mad.

"It must be right before we poofed away..." Stella said.

"Someone get a doctor!" Benjamin almost screamed.

Flora's eyes were starting to close.

"Don't close your eyes, please. Don't close your eyes. I know it hurts, but you have to stay awake" Benjamin told her.

Benjamin hold her tight and could only think of there moments together.


Flora was enthusiastically telling Benjamin about the deal she made on her work with a Japanese company. "So she said: 'we have a deal, only if we go to Las Vegas together!'. So of course I said yes, she's such a nice person!" and Flora kept talking and talking. Benjamin was staring at her and the only thing he could think of was: "This is the person I fell in love with!"...


It was Benjamin and Flora's first vacation together. They were in Africa looking at wild animals, when Benjamin looked at Flora and said to her: "I've never said this to anyone, but I love you so much!"...

*In their penthouse*

"I love camping!" Flora told him.

"I've never camped in my whole live!" Benjamin confessed to her. "But I would love to go camping with you now!"

And like an hour later, the living room was changed into a tent with sheets and Flora and Benjamin were watching movies all night long...

Thoughts were crossing his mind: the first time they celebrate Christmas, Flora meeting his parents (even though they were fake), there first time ice skating together, watching the Sunset...

Benjamin was back to Earth. With Flora still almost dying.

"et non est digna est. mutantur nos. laborem et dolorem" Benjamin said, it was Latin. A light came off Benjamin.

"What are you doing?" Aisha asked him, but he didn't answer.

The light became bright and no one could see anything for a few seconds.

When the Winx looked, they saw Flora waking up, Benjamin fell down. Flora looked at him and realised what he had done.

"Maybe this life wasn't meant for us to be together" Benjamin said weak.

"I still love you" Flora smiles throw her tears.

"I know. But please move on" Benjamin smiled soft.

"It's alright. I'm right here" Flora hugged him.

"See you in next life, my Angel" And with that, Benjamin closed his eyes.

"What just happened?" Stella asked.

"Ben... he... he changed his life for... for mine..."

The Winx and Specialists all gave Flora a hug....

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