Chapter 3

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Meanwhile with Flora...

Flora poofed away from Helia. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a place that wasn't that known for her.

It didn't took Flora long to realise that she was in a park on Earth. She sat down on a bench.

A guy was walking by. He had several books in his hands, so many, that you couldn't see his face.

When he crossed Flora, he fell. He and the book lay down on the ground. 

Flora set down on her knees and took some books. "Are you okay?" She asked him.

He also set down on his knees and took the books from the ground, than looked in Flora's eyes. "I'm better now".

Flora looked at him, the guy looked like her age, maybe 1 year older. He had long short hair, kinda messy. His eyes were blue and he was wearing glasses, not the nerdy one, but the kinda hot one. He didn't look like a nerd, but looked like he had nerdy friends.

Flora gave him his books back and their hands touched for a second.

"You're okay? You seem confused?" The guy asked.

"I'm great" Flora fake smiles. The guy stood up and gave Flora a hand to help her stand up.

"You look familiar. Do I know you?" The guy asked. "I'm Benjamin btw. Most people call me Ben or Benji" Benjamin said excited.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Flora"

"Wait, know I know it. You're from the Winx!"

"Yes that's me" Flora said les excited.

"You seem sad about it. You're sure you're okay?"

"Actually, I'm not"

"Wanna get a coffee and tell me what happened? I'm a great listener!"


The two get a coffee in a lunchroom and talked for a while.

"You know" Flora said, "Maybe I overreacted"

"No you didn't. You have the right to be mad on them all. Maybe it's good that you left them. Time to starts something new"

"I would love to, but how? My family will probably just try to get me back with the Winx and Helia"

"You can come with me back to New York" Benjamin suggested. "I don't know, but I've the feeling that we'll be great friends. And my father has his own company in New York, so you can work there and start a new life there"

"I don't know. I've never left the magic world"

"Believe me Flora, you'll love New York. It's the perfect way to hide from people. To start a new life"


Some people stood in-front of the lunchroom. It were the Winx and specialist.

"Her location says that she must be in here somewhere" Timmy said to the others, "but it can also be in the restaurants next to these"

"I suggest we split up. Musa, Riven, Sky and I go take the restaurant that here left. Aisha, Nabu, Tecna and Timmy take the restaurant here left. And Helia, Brandon and Stella look here" Bloom suggested.

Brandon, Stella and Helia walked into the lunchroom.

Flora looked behind her and saw them walking in, they didn't see her.

"I need to go somewhere else, the Winx are here" she whispered to Benjamin.

"We can get out from the backdoor. Follow me"

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