the village of the dragon

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Freed P.O.V.

   Once laxus woke up after the whole Taurus thing. We found out there was no fairy tail. I couldn't tell the others but porlyusica told me that I wasn't fully healed. I didn't laxus and the others to worry so for a while we stayed at the blue pegasus guild. When laxus out to train. I would leave to do some research. I had memory lost since I was brought to fairy tail, and to my horror I found out that my roots ended at a village known as Khalanis it was destoried by Acnologia because the people had killed his child over 27 years ago. Hearing and seeing this village would make my head hurt. Could never stay long. Evergreen and bickslow would call me back home. Lucky me I would make it back before laxus.

Otherwise he would worry more than bickslow and evergreen.

But this time was different I ended up a whole week later than laxus. No one told me he was back so when I got into the guild hall he cornered me.

" Where were you," he growled, master Bob said you weren't on a job this time. So you can't lie to me about that," I didn't know what to say I just told him it was none of his business. He didn't take it well. It had gotten worse as soon as I got home. Me, laxus and bickslow shared a house. So as soon as I got home he pinned me to the wall. " Don't you ever talk to me like that you are just my follower and if you don't like me being in your "business" then you can just leave the thunder legion," he snapped. I have seen him mad but he has never been mad at me and I didn't know how to explain myself to him. I was sick? No that would make him worried. I was training? No then he would ask me to spar or join him in his training. Which was something I don't want to do was train with him, but it might be my only option.

" I've been training okay I need some time to myself you know," I tried to say it as openly honest as I could even though it was a lie. He calmed down a bit but he still didn't let me go it was as if he was watching me. I began to feel sick with him staring at me, but he let me go.

"That all you had to say I was worried that something happened to you while I was away. Bickslow and evergreen said you've been leaving a day after I do. So I thought maybe you were trying to avoid me," he said now completely calm. Laxus walked back to his room and I when to mine.

The next day he told us he was going back out to train we waved him goodbye and then I pack my bag to go back the village. Evergreen told me it wasn't a good idea to go, but I didn't listen. I am so close to finding out about myself. So I left anyway I took the same train I always do. Then I began my hike to Khalanis. I had a spare tent that I have been living in whenever I started visiting the village. Today I was going to relax and rest my head. So I opened my tent got in and started reading till it got. Then I started a fire and made myself something to eat. It felt off today I felt like someone was watching me, but I ignored it and put up some enchantments to keep myself safe while I slept. I got back into my tent after eating and when to sleep.

I woke up and did a bit of training and had breakfast. Then I got to work most of the houses had remand in tack. So I've been going through each house till something from my memory strade there hasn't been much luck but it is working somewhat.

Today I was work in a house that was in the middle of the village it had a lot of damage like .most of the houses. The. I felt it a spark, like I was struck by lightning only one person made me feel this way. Laxus. He must have stand in town to follow me out here. Now I have to go out and explain myself. So I when outside the house there he was standing outside his eyes burning holes into mine.

" I was born here and I'm trying to get my memory back unlike you, bickslow, evergreen. I don't know a thing about myself I need to know laxus. I didn't tell you because I know you would worry and where afraid of what I would find," I said telling him the whole truth he was not happy not at all.  

"Why the fuck does it matter so good damn much. Your parents abandoned you just like the three of ours. Why does you past matter more than our friends enough for you to lie to me about where and what you are fucking doing!?" He roared sending spark everywhere. The sparks sent me into another memory. An orb that would spark whenever he was scared and blue eyes. They looked familiar.

Laxus then harshly grabbed my wrist, " laxus that hurts," trying to break away from him. He brought me back to my camp. He sat me down there was a strange look in his eyes he looked worried, but his eyes said something else.

" What is this place," laxus said once he was calm. I had explained to him that this was where I was born and it was destroyed by Acnologia because they had killed it's human mate.  He looked down. "so you are trying to find out which house is your home."

"Yes," I said, " I have gotten little memories in every house I've been in but I can't find which one is my home." He Looked at most of the homes which I have restored, " plus I want this place to be livable again. Maybe have my own home here for when I retire from being a wizard." I smiles and look up at the sky.

Laxus stared at some of the house I fixed. " Is this because the guild being gone. You want to have the sense of home," he asked? I can tell it has been bothering him for a long while, but I didn't even think about it being my problem, too but I never thought about it that way. I want a family again I felt empty. I need a new family."freed your crying." He was right without even knowing it I had started crying. Laxus tried to touch me to get close to understand how I feel. I backed away from his hand. He wasn't happy he looked more worried.

" I'm I just need more time to figure it out alone," I said trying not sound scared or not sure. He pretended to believe me and left but I had a feeling he never left me alone.

I did my work on that house for a while. I found a picture of this family that lived here they had a boy but he look just as old as Aska with that it made me cry. How could that monster kill so many families. Acnologia destroyed it almost made me cry. Then I found another picture if had been in many of the other houses of a woman with green hair. She must be important and I feel like she might be my mother. I need to find this woman's house. It'll take forever to find it. Started working again but then a rock hit my head I looked at the doorway to see food and water. It made me smile laxus didn't leave me alone and he must be worried about me. So I stopped to eat and drink, and I wrote him a thank note next to the cup and when back to work. I kept working till the sun came down.

I when back to my campsite to see laxus cooking. "I thought you left for training," I asked out of confusion.

He smiled which had been rare lately and he held out a plate. "you've been working harder then I have been training. Have you found anything that tells you something from you past." I took the plate and ate a little bit trying to find a way to answer his question.  

" I keep finding a picture of this one woman I think she is something important to the village she looks just like me but hers eyes are different then mine," I said handing him the picture then to me and then he handed it back.

He got up and grabbed my arm he lead me to what looked like an old shrine. I looked inside my head began to burn. I fell to my knees I began to remember. My mother held me close as the villagers came in with a fire dragon. "Faya you committed a crime of the highest you breed with a dragon and gave birth to it's dragon Spawn." The dragon was getting ready to burn us as my mother puts me down a holes and everything when black. The vision stopped and I panicked I am the child of the of the dragon tried to destroyed our family, I'm the child that murdered that kill igneel natsu' father. I'm the child of monster, Acnologia. I ran out of the shrine and I ran as far as my legs could carry my. I then passed out.

I was being carried i looked up to see laxus carrying me back. "It's okay freed I got you," he said. I had been become very weak because of the vision it made me unable to move or speak. Laxus took care of me for the time and I hated it I hate when he worries about me. I can't even handle myself. He then decided it was best to take me back to Blue Pegasus. He carried me the whole way there. I can tell he was scared, upset, and I think he kissed me.

I layed in the infirmary bickslow and Evergreen would sometimes in visit me, but laxus refused to leave my side. It took time but I was finally able to move again and I started training again. Laxus, bickslow, and or, evergreen would watch ne train to make sure I was safe.

Then months later the fairy tail came back together. It was the best day of our life. But the hard part for me is I have to tell master and the guild what I found out about myself. I was afraid if what natsu would say after all I am a monster. I am the child of Acnologia and a dragon priestess.

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