father's madness

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Freed's POV. 

What is this place? Where am I? I looked around the place there where Crystal like rocks everywhere. My eyes finally end up on a man with long messy black hair with blue tattoos. "Who are you I asked him?" There was something about him it almost scared me. 

"So you have forgotten me, Akie" he says in a smooth voice "I brought you here to see your face one last time" I was confused. 

" I'm sorry to tell you this, my name is freed not Akie. Unless you mean this woman." Show his a picture that I kept of the woman I thought was my mother. The man took the picture and look at it and then me. 

"Freed." The man looks at my eyes. "my child. Me and akie's baby boy. You have grown. I wanted to make you safe from those dominate dragons but your marked." My eyes widened this is acnologia. "is he good to you?" 

I didn't know how to answer him. I was scared. "he is but this war took a lot from me and him. I had a baby but I lost my baby to this war." I was starting to cry slightly. He hugs me and he says he is sorry and that he had to be taken away from this world and that only the dragon slayers can kill him. His eyes looked so tired. I wanted to cry. This man had lost his mind and is finally seeing this man just wants to end it all. "I understand father." 

I then saw another flash of light and then there was laxus standing over me scared and holding me close. "freed I was so scared. What happened?" 

I looked his straight in the face and tried not to cry and said, "Laxus you need to destroy ancologia with then other dragon slayers. He's been fighting his inner demons and he can't control himself" I cried so badly now and laxus was holding me while Bickslow helping master. He seemed to be okay but his face showed pity for me. 

Laxus had started to glow I know what it meant acnologia was taking him to his world to end this nightmare and then Lucy came up with a plan to end acnologia with the fairy sphere. It made me want to cry as me, Lucy and levy looked for the book to save fairy tail, the world. Lucy was the one to find the book and happy, Carla, and pantherlily carried so back to the other in hargeon. 

Me, Lucy, and levy read through the book had everyone hold hands and waited for acnologia to show up and then we cast the spell and trapped him inside the sphere and watch as I know the dragon slayer where tearing apart this tortured dragons soul. As soon as he was disappearing I almost heard him says, "thank you." Which had brought me to my knee and I cried more than I have ever cried before. My only family left was laxus, and fairy tail now. There was no more hunting for who I am. This is what scared me because I still don't know who I am? 

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