"So that must mean that Benjamin send the picture! We have to find him and stop him! Let's get the others!"

The Winx and Specialists (apart from Helia) gathered around in the kitchen.

"It's from Benjamin's phone!" Bloom said.

"What is?" Stella asked confused.

"The picture!" Tecna explained. "It must be Benjamin all along! But why would he want the power?"

"That doesn't matter right now! We have to get Flora somewhere safe" Aisha followed. "Anyone know where she's?"

"The pool!" Brandon and Stella said at the same time.

Everyone looked confused at them, then they all went to the elevator.

Flora and Benjamin were sitting on a chair on the roof of the penthouse. Looking at the city of New York in the dark. Flora's head was laying on Benjamin's shoulders.

"Angel, you're okay?" Benjamin asked concerned.

"I'm just... so hot" Flora said sweating.

"You want something to eat? You look pale"

"No thanks, I'm not hungry". Flora stood up, "Maybe I should just walk for a few seconds".

Right then, the Winx and Specialists walked in.

"Flora!" Musa yelled.

"Something wrong?" Benjamin stood up and looked at them.

"You can drop the act," Brandon said, "we know it's you!"

"You are the one that wants 'the greatest power'. Why?!" Aisha asked mad.

Benjamin just stood there confused.

"Tell us!" Riven almost screamed.

"Guys, relax" Flora told them, she sounded tired and looked very pale. But they didn't hear her.

"Come on, tell us. What do you want with the power, Benjamin?" Bloom followed.

"I seriously don't know what you guys are even talking about" Benjamin answered.

"Drop the act, we know you do" Timmy said. "We saw that a picture was send from a iPhone located right here, with you fathers company name on it"

"So?" Benjamin answered. "There are over 40 people at this party working for my father. They got a phone from the company to and there address is also right here"

The Winx and Specialists looked at each other. They didn't think of that.

Right at that moment, Helia also came to the roof.

"Why is everyone here?" He asked.

Suddenly, everyone heard a splash of water behind them, and they turned around to the pool.

"Flora?" Musa asked out loud.

But before someone else could say something, Benjamin run to the pool. He saw Flora laying in there, she was unconscious and had blood on her head.

Benjamin throw his phone on the ground and jumped into the pool. He swam underwater and took Flora. Benjamin put her on the edge of the pool. The Winx and Specialists run to him.

"Get some towels from the room right from the door!" He screamed, and Aisha run to there to get towels.

Flora's whole body was shaking.

"Nonono" Benjamin hold Flora's pols to feel her heartbeat.

"What going on?" Bloom asked him stressing.

"Her heartbeat is getting slower. Someone call an ambulance!" Benjamin was giving Flora CPR.

"Maybe I can heal her" Bloom suggested. "I have magic, remember?"

Bloom went sit next to Flora, holding her hands above Floras body. Bloom closed her eyes and magic cake out of her hands.

This lasted for a few seconds, but nothing happened.

"It... it didn't work..." bloom said sad and surprised.

Aisha came back with the towel. Benjamin took them fast and put them around Flora.

Benjamin felt her pulse again. He then let out a few teardrops and hugged her.

"Is she..." Musa asked.

"Yes" Benjamin cried.

The Winx and Specialists all started to drop a few tears to.

It was silent for a few minutes. The only sound that you could hear was the music from the party.

Benjamin was still holding Flora. "Please, don't leave me" he whispered.

A teardrop fell on flora's body. And suddenly, a bright light came out of her.

Everyone looked at Flora. She still was laying quiet, not moving.

A few second later, Floras eyes opened and she started coughing up water.

Benjamin hugged her again. "I got you, it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay"

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