Tell Me! Tell Me!

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It was quiet.

Calm, almost.

Everyone in the Freesmart van was asleep, trying to catch some rest after what had taken place before.

"She's lost a lot of blood...she's going to be out-of-it for a while." Book gently placed Match's stitched hand down. "I managed to stitch her hand back was a deep cut, but it didn't do any vital damage..but like I said, she's going to be out-of-it for the majority of tomorrow.."

"How can we help her come out-of-it then?" Ice Cube acknowledged.

"Icy's right. If anything were to happen, we would need to get out of here fast." Pencil crossed her arms.

"Well..we have our food here, so all we need to do is give her sweets, like...oranges..and let her get plenty of rest. If she were to lose more blood..."

It stayed quiet.

"Well...It doisn't matter now..." Bubble chimed in. "She's alive.."

"And thank the pencil factories that she's safe.."

"Yes...shes going to be in a anemic state, so we'll give her plenty of sweets tomorrow. And if anything happens, well..." Book looked back at the stash of knifes that they had taken from the clubhouse.

"Yes, good thinking Book. But for now..let's just lay low, ok?"



Ice Cube yawned sleepily, turning over to her side. She waited a bit, before she felt Book's arm wrap around her comfortingly, a sleepy smile slowly spreading on her face. Book was snoring away; tired from all of the stress that had hit her in a sudden rush yesterday. Ruby slept beside her; her shine looking more dull and darkened than usual.

Match laid in Pencil's arms, her face slowly regaining more of its color. Her wrist was covered in bandages, a light shade of pink dotting on the area of her cut. Pencil sighed sleepily, holding Match closer than before. Bubble slept beside them, hugging herself slightly as she shivered.

It was all quiet, until a shout suddenly shattered the peaceful silence within the van.

"NO! NO NO! FLOWER!" Ruby screamed out, suddenly jolting awake as beads of sweat dropped down her face. Everybody jumped; the sudden exclamation waking them from their peaceful slumber.

"Ugh- RUBY! What the hell?!" Pencil grumbled sleepily, shifting her body slightly. Ruby didn't acknowledge her; she was looking around in a panicked manner, unable to pull herself out of her darkened mind. Book slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Hmm..What's going on..?" She slurred out.

"Try to help out your little friend there, she woke us ALL up." Pencil snapped out.

Book looked towards her side, and suddenly snapped out of her sleepy state, quickly moving in front of Ruby.

"Ruby? Ruby. Breathe." She took her hands, and began to rub the back of them soothingly. Ruby panted slightly, staring intently towards the ground as she felt her heart pounding rapidly with fear.

Fear Garden (A IDFB FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now