Chapter 3: Initiation

Start from the beginning

Pyrrha POV

I took out my weapon and strapped it on. 'I wonder what the initiation is going to be like.' I thought.

Just then, I saw two people approaching from the corner of my eye. Turning around I saw a blonde lizard/salamander girl -'With a massive rack!!' I thought, trying my best not too gape.- pulling a helpless wolf girl in a red cloak. -'She's the cutest thing I've ever seen!!' I thought, trying my best not too squeal.- and waving towards me. "Helloooo!!" She said cheerfully. "Name's Yang Xiao Long! This is my baby sister Ruby!"

'They're sisters? That's a surprise, they've got different Faunus traits.' I smiled at them. "Pyrrha Nikos." I answered politely. '

Ruby then nipped at her sister's hand, causing the blonde to release her grip on her cloak.

"Stop pulling already, will ya?" She gave a growl which in my opinion only amplified her cuteness. Yang winced holding her hand. "You didn't have to bite me rubbles!" The younger sibling then looked at me with those big silver eyes of hers, looking slightly nervous. "Sup! I'm Ruby Rose, Uh... nice to meet you?" My smile grew and I patted her head. "Nice to meet you too!" Her tail wagged behind her causing me to giggle.

As I giggled, two other girls came up to us. I blinked in surprise. 'Is that the Schnee heiress?!'

The other girl was a cat faunus who just looked confused. The Schnee heiress scowled at Yang. "Have you no shame?! What kind of a sister forces their younger to do something unwanted?"

Yang grinned and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well it worked out, right?" The heiress- 'Weiss was it?' I asked myself. -glanced at Ruby then at me, then nodded. "Very well. I shall accept this outcome."

I was confused. "Uh... excuse me?" The Cat girl rolled her eyes. "She was worried that you'd hurt her best friend, but seeing that you didn't you're now in her good books, and she wants to be friends with you too." "Blake!!" Weiss spluttered, obviously embarrassed. "What? It's true!

Just then the blonde boy I've been eyeing for a while now popped up out of nowhere. "Hey guys! I've been looking everywhere for you! You know where the initiation place is?" Ruby waved. "Hey Jaune!" 'Jaune? That's a wonderful name.' "I don't know either!" She Replied to his question. 'That's how you reply to him??'

I rolled my eyes. "That was helpful." Ruby smirked. "Can't help it, the truth is the truth." Weiss blushed slightly. 'She has a crush on Ruby? Interesting.' I thought with a small smile.

Jaune then thought of something, due to the look in his eye. "Hey! Since we all get along together we could be on the same team together!"

Knowing how things worked, I cut him off. "Actually the teams are consisted of four warriors each." I said to him. "Oh." He then gasped seeing upon me. "No way! I recognise you!" He yelled, causing everyone to look at them.

I blinked. 'Yep, from the tournaments. Dang it'. "Um... of course I'm from-" "you're the girl that's on the front of every Pumpkin Petes marshmallow flakes box!"

I wasn't sure how to respond, and blushed. "Uh, Yeah... sadly the cereal isn't very good for you!"

Weiss face palmed. "Uh. No, she's the star student of Sanctum Academy and the tournament champion of Mistral." Jaune hummed. "Uh. Doesn't ring a bell." Everyone looked at him in surprise. "What? I didn't get to watch much TV, cause my sisters kept hogging it!" 'Poor Guy.' "How many sisters do you have?" Yang asked, pulling Ruby to her, subconsciously. 

"7." We all gaped. 'The hell?!' "My dad has three wives. Each from his own hunter team."

Normal POV

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