Chapter 11: Eye for an Eye

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Smelly alleys with atrocious vandalism tags weren't comfortable to hide in. Kazimir kept close to the shadows as they scoured the area for any lurking rival gang members. Downtown New Syracuse was dead. Not a single soul in sight. The old hair salon had received no visitors yet either.

Wiping his sweaty palms on his black hoodie, Kazimir peeked out from where they hid. The street and sidewalks remained barren. Only the gusty winds whistled amongst the silent night as he gazed up into the sky, where Everly's drone flew above the old hair salon. Just as fast as it arrived, it disappeared behind some other brick buildings.

Kazimir adjusted his black ski mask and grabbed a baseball bat that Emmett brought. They had to wait for Alfie's signal before making their move. Every second ticked by unbearably slow. Kazimir stayed on edge as the hair-raising shatter of glass pierced his ears.

Grabbing his arm, Emmett pulled them down on the ground for safety. Panic welled in Kazimir's chest as he crawled closer to the opening, trying to see what happened.

Flickering flames engulfed Samantha's jeep, shattering out the windows. Kazimir couldn't believe it. When he suggested vandalizing her jeep, he thought about spray painting the windows. Not setting it on fire. They were insane. Looking beside him, Emmett's eyes sparked with admiration for the fire his guys started.

As Alfie took flight down the street, Kazimir wondered if he'd made a horrible mistake. Smoke wafted in the air, causing him to cough.

The rebels threw bricks at the hair salon windows next to taunt the bodyguard inside. Kazimir never could remember his name. He just knew he wasn't the type of guy you wanted to mess with. He'd been in and out of prison for assaults after losing his job as a nightclub bouncer. Word on the streets said he'd busted a guy's head so hard, it almost killed him.

Their antagonizing worked, as the Black Viper's bodyguard bolted out the entrance of the hair salon armed with a shotgun. He fired at Alfie and the other guys, who ducked down in the nick of time behind old buildings. They returned fire with their own guns as more people emerged from inside the hair salon.

Wincing, Kazimir crept away from the opening, pressing his small body against the brick wall. He was scared that they'd start shooting at him and Emmett. The ear-ringing sound brought back so many undesired memories. Kazimir closed his eyes for a moment, struggling to block out the past.

Crimson painted the ground. His father choked on his blood, reaching out for Kazimir in his last moments, trying to assure him he'd be okay... But he wasn't.

Emmett yanked Kazimir from his thoughts when he instructed him to follow him across the street. Seeing the enraged buff bodyguard outside reloading his shotgun made Kazimir hesitate. When more members of the Black Vipers gang emerged from the old hair salon, he stepped further back into the alleyway, shaking his head. He wanted revenge on Samantha, but he wouldn't die for it.

"Stay here and stay low," Emmett whispered and rubbed on his right ear, where he had a com. "Everly, I need your help. Distract the bodyguard for me. The rest of the guys are luring everyone else out into the open, but that bastard ain't budging."

Emmett hurried across the street before the bodyguard caught sight of him. Cautiously, Kazimir tip-toed back to the opening to watch. The gang leader used parked cars to hide behind, slowly inching closer to the buff man. The bodyguard fired his weapon in the direction of the drone that shined a bright red light on him. It was the perfect distraction, as he paid no attention to Emmett creeping up behind him.

The sound of tires crunching on gravel made Kazimir freeze. He peeked back after his heart almost gave out on him. It was just Charlie. He'd parked their getaway car near the dumpster, just as they planned. He waved at Kazimir, who waved back. Kazimir knew it would be safer to climb in the car with Charlie and hide, but he didn't want to be a coward. Not when everyone else was fighting.

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