Chapter 1: Past fight still continues

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A/N: here we go. Fingers crossed 😢

Kyran's POV

"Ahhhh" I let out a long and loud irritated sigh, which drew the attention of the small amount of customers going on they business buying stuff. I ignored them and continued to ponder about my mate.

I've being having my dreams more often lately meaning he'll be here soon. Yes 'he', because I'm gay and some people in our coven and pack know about it.

Oh! Why I mentioned coven and pack; well long story short, many centuries ago an Alpha werewolf mated with a king vampire and let's just say shit went down and they brought peace amongst all supernaturals. So yeah some packs and covens joined forces. Some fairs and trolls joined even witches and werewolves and like us vampires and werewolves joined forces. So yeah we not always killing each other but some presumptuous werewolves are just some annoyingly possessive even of pencils. Gosh the jerk is a big jerk. Who gets possess-

I'm momentarily disturbed from my thoughts, which I'm thankful for, as a customer greets me.

"Excuse me, I'd like to pay" He says in a gruff voice that sounds so sweet yet manly. Is that even possible.

"Sure, come foward" I say. Ahh I remember all my employees are helping my father, king of the coven and alpha of the pack in order to set up and get ready for my 21st birthday along with the presumptuous mutts birthday when he returns. Arggh I get annoyed thinking of him.

The tall, muscles on a stick walks over to the till I stand at. I study his features as it's the first time I'm seeing this man here. His really tall, maybe 6.8" or more. He has muscles but not that bucky buff muscles that I hate, he looks sexy with his blonde hair all messy. WAIT! WHAT! WHY AM I CALLING ANOTHER MAN SEXY. His not my mate. Oh why moon goddess I just want my mate.

He places all his items on the till as I check them; some snacks and two books. Ahh we have the same taste. I lift my head smiling and asking "anything else sir" when I notice his glow-like green eyes and past memories come back. The presumptuous mutt is back. I smirk, thinking I'll get him rilled up. Hehehe

"Oh, it's you possessive pencil" I fringe innocence while saying this. He growls loud thinking his dominant alpha genes will work, not anymore. Hehehe serves you right.

"Pencil thief!" He barks and smirks

"What!!!!! I never steal it I borrowed it. You know 'borrowed'. I said borrowed air quoting my words.

He snears "As if, you bent right onto my desk and stole my pencil" He growls out

"I was desperate dude, we where writing an exam. I needed it. Why fight over a pencil"

" I told many times before. It was my precious pencil-"

"Yeah yeah" I cut him off. "Given by your girlfriend" I smirk and he bangs his hands on the till counter, shocking not only me but everyone. I quickly composed myself, looking straight into his eyes.

"It was from my cousin, when I should ha-" He stops when both our ears gets twisted and we let out grasps of pain that's being caused on our ears. I look sidewards to see my dad and then at him noticing his dad.

"Now haven't I told you boys long ago not fight as you two will have to work together to co-operate and work as a team so our people continue living in peace thanks to our ancestors" my dad, Victor tells us while the alpha, Remus nods his head and glares and both of us.

"Yes" we both reply with guilt. "Sorry Theodulf" I say as I was truly sorry, because he looks like he just arrived. But what caught my attention was the way his name rolled off my tongue, I felt like a moan was about to leave me.

"No its my fault you didn't  know the reason why it was special. I'm sorry Kyran" He groans out, my name coming out of his mouth sounded so sexy, I felt like I could fall, and fall is what I exactly did, whilst clutching onto the area around my heart. Arggh why does it have to happen now, I think while the darkness engulfs me into its clutches.

Hope you enjoyed this. It's a build up. Thank you for reading.🙏😊💜.
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