"24," Siena winked at him and his eyes went wide, but she was still allowed to pass."

"30." Grey rolled his eyes, shoving the guard against the wall as he walked by. So temperamental. I also don't know how he was able to conceal 30 weapons??? But I wasn't about to ask. He looked irritated. He sauntered forward, slipping his hand around my waist and pressing his lips against the top of my head.

"I'm so glad you're not one of those anymore," he grumbled, taking my hand as we followed Allison, Suriel, and Siena through the terminal.

"What? A human?" I chuckled. "They just don't know, Grey."

"They should pay more attention," he mumbled, running his calloused thumb across my knuckles.

"To what, exactly?"

"Everything around them. They know when they're in the presence of an Angel. Or even a Demon. They can feel the variance in energy caused by our divine power. They just don't care or don't know what they're feeling," he explained.

"To be fair, all I felt when I saw you for the first time was relief. No energy or whatever," I shrugged.

"See? Not paying attention," he smirked, squeezing my hand slightly before letting go and catching up to Siena. I followed suit, glancing around every now and again at the nearly empty airport. I don't really know why we were taking a commercial flight when Grey had a private plane, but I didn't wanna question him. Maybe he had a reason for keeping his wealth a secret from everyone. Or maybe he didn't. I wasn't gonna complain about it- if I had to see that redhead Kara again I might just lose it. Last time I had her in a chokehold as only an Awakened. I'd hate to see what I could do to her now if she provoked me.

We finally got to the gate, but there wasn't anybody here yet, so we all plopped down in some of the rather uncomfortable seats and waited. Siena texted her head against my shoulder and took a nap, and Allison and Suriel talked nonstop. Seeing Allison this happy made me happy as well, but it being over a different guy and not Jack- I still don't know how I felt about it. But I didn't get an opinion. I just worried that it was fear keeping Ally from reaching out to Jack, and I would hate fear to keep her from her soulmate. But what do I know, I just had my first kiss this last year and am still trying to figure out how the hell my relationship with Grey is going to work. Obviously I was no romantic expert.

"I'm excited for this, even if it is more of a business trip than a vacation," I smiled softly at Grey, who nodded absentmindedly.

"I enjoy Paris. Gloomy in the winters like Washington, but much more- I don't know. It's a mix of modern and old. You'll enjoy it," he explained, his eyes scanning the room even though we were the only ones here.

"Once we get there, you'll be able to relax a bit, yeah?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"Maybe. Once we get to my place I can relax more, but we're really only going to be there to sleep," he murmured.

"Still. You haven't slept well since we left Washington," I frowned and he nodded, pausing.

"How do you know I haven't slept well?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Been working on the empathy thing. I can get little bits and pieces from you if I focus really hard. But you're the only one I have been able to do it with so far," I explained with a shrug. Grey's cerulean eyes twinkled a little bit and he leaned forward slightly.

"What am I feeling right now?" He smirked slightly, his eyebrow slowly rising upwards. I focused in on his heartbeat, then cleared my mind, allowing his feelings in.

"Aside from the lust, exhaustion. Anxiety. Irritation. And now- pride?" I smiled.

"Good job, Greene. You're getting it," he hummed, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms.

We were interrupted by people beginning to bustle in from the security lines, starting to take their seats at the gate. Soon enough, they began boarding the flight and we all shuffled into the massive plane. Grey and I sat in one row, Siena and Allison in the row in front of us, and Grey had Suriel sit at the back of the plane by himself. I kinda felt bad for him, to be completely honest. I knew Grey had major issues with Angels in general and Heaven, but he was just kinda being a dick.

"Why did you sit him all the way back there?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and folding my arms at Grey.

"So he has eyes on the whole plane and can let us know if any Demon or Fallen is on here," Grey explained, but the residual twinkle in his eye told me that was only the partial truth. I raised my other eyebrow expectantly.

"Ugh, I don't like him, what else do you want from me?" He groaned, rolling his eyes. I smirked in satisfaction.

"That wasn't very nice," I chuckled, glancing back at Suriel in the back row, who waved up at me. I smiled, amused, and waved back. "He's a nice dude," I shrugged.

"So was Lucifer, if you remember correctly," Grey retorted under his breath and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He fooled you too," I sat back down in my seat with a roll of my eyes.

"Ya, he's a dick," Grey mumbled, reaching across me and fastening my seatbelt. I raised my eyebrows expectantly, kind of amused.

"You know I have arms and hands that work, yes?" I chuckled.

"Yes, and we're about to take off and you still hadn't fastened it. You're welcome," he winked.

As much as I loved Grey, this was going to be a long 10 hours.

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