Chapter 9-Doctor Visit

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Finally, the doctor's visit had come along. Loading a sleepy omega into the car, they were on their way. Kirstin felt like crap the entire ride she felt crappy. The car had been stopped several times to allow her to throw up outside of the vehicle. Finally, he was able to carry her inside the building and wait for the scheduled appointment.

"Kaplan?" A nurse called the two followings after her. Kirstin clang to his side to stabilize herself.

"So, Mr.Kaplan. How are you and your omega doing today?" The nurse asked.
Kirstin blushed as Avi stumbled on his words.

"Oh, she's not my omega. Just a pack member." He explained.

Chuckling, the nurse replied, "Ah, so you haven't asked her yet?"

The noticeable blush on Kristin's cheeks and Avi's surprised look was enough to the nurse to get the message. She instead quietly led the two to the doctor's office.

Once the doctor, Dr. Hall, came inside they went through the normal routine. Explaining the symptoms, check up, etc.

"And you're sure this isn't just the flu?" The doctor inquired. Avi shook his head before replying,
"No, no. She's in much more pain than just the flu."

"Well,",  the doctor sighed. " We have one more test to run. It's for a serious disease. I don't want to explain any further unless it's proven she has it."

The bit back any look of surprise. This was scaring him. The fact he didn't know what could happen to her was even worse.

Avo held her hand the entire way down to get her MRI, a small comfort.

"A-alpha?" She whispered meekly. The girl blushed at her silliness.

"What's wrong, Honey?" he turned his full attention towards the smaller female.

"I-I'm Sca-scared." The brunette stuttered above a whisper, a frightening smell coating her natural scent.

"Awe, come here." The man pulled her into a gentle embrace. "I'll be with you the whole way."
The Omega jumped at a loud bang from the next room, leaning back further into the warm embrace.

"Shh. Shh." The alpha tried his best to soothe the omega's trembling.

Once he had finally encouraged her through the test, she jumped right back in his arms.

"That was scary." she whimpered.
"I'm sorry it was scary, Kit-Kat. It's all done now. We just have to wait for the results, okay?" the alpha explained.

She nodded, "Yes, alpha."

The doctor let out a playful "aww" from across the room.

"D'aww.You and your omega are so cute!" He smiled. Deciding not to rock the boat, Avi gave a simple 'Thank You'

The next twenty minutes of waiting were someone the longest, anxiety-ridden in the young alpha's life. Kirstin Was still childish and naive omega, meaning she didn't quite understand the situation.

Oh boy, Avi sure did. The man was frightened he might lose Kirstie. She was such a young, sweet you girl. He would never forgive himself If she was hurt in his care.

Kirstin once again wrapped her arms around him.

"Alpha? Why do you smell scared?" She questioned.?

"I worried about you." he tapped her nose, earning a giggle. "You might be really sick, and we can't have that."

Kirstie nodded. After an eternity, the results came back.

"And, Ms. Maldonado has negative test results. Just a really bad flu. Get the little one home to get some rest."  the doctor confirmed with a smile.

'Thank god' Avi thought, clutching her tightly to his side. Kirstie, still quite wary of men, gratefully clung to his side. They two were stuck like glue.
"Thank you, sir." He smiled and waved at the doctor before leading Kirstie back to the car. Somewhere along the way back to the pack home, she fell asleep. The male decided not to wake her and instead carried her to her room. Placing her on the bed softly tucked her under the warm covers. Once everything was done, he sealed the deal by delivering a soft kiss to the omega's forehead. Thank goodness she was okay! It's a mystery how Avi ever lived without her half smile and bubbly personality.

Once downstairs, Scott smirked at the fellow alpha.

"So, when are you going to ask to mark her?" the blonde said with a raised non-existent eyebrow.

Avi pushed his friend playfully.

"When she's settled. She still doesn't like men. And, her old alpha already marked her, so I'm worried she'll associate it with him. I just want her happy here." the brunette responded.

"I get it man. I know she's the one for you. You have the same dopey look I did when I first met Mitch."

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