Chapter 12-Kiss

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"Hey, Kirst." Avi asked her, with her leaning against his shoulder. "This weekend, my family is taking a trip for a little while." He explained.

"Oh." She hummed, "Are you going?"

"I'd like to, but I thought it would be a lot more fun if you went with me." He smiled at her.

"Would I-I just get in the w-way?" she asked, not wanting to upset her mate. They hadn't been together for very long and she was still at the shy stage around him, but she was opening up, especially when she was tired.

"Not at all, Kirst. It would be a lot more fun with you with me. Plus, I think my sister will love you." He assured her. He wasn't planning to go at all this year, but with him and Kirstie having recently staring their romantic relationship, he thought it would be a good opportunity to spend time with her outside of the pack.

"Shelly?" she asked, remembering that name when he last spoke about his family. She wanted to try and show him that she'd been listening. Though she'd gotten a bit confused on who was who.

He chuckled at her, shaking his head. "Shelly is my mom, she'll love you, too, though. Esther is my sister." He explained.

"Oh, o-okay." she smiled her adorable Omega smile, the one that made Avi fall for her in the first place, and nodded. "I'll go."

He smiled, and wrapped her up in a big hug as he always did, and it was settled.

"W-When do we leave?" she asked him, looking up at his face from her position in his hug.

"Friday. Spend probably four or five days with them, and the following weekend just me and you?" He asked, and when she nodded, he smiled, squeezing her tightly. He was sure his family would love her just as much as he did.


Getting ready to leave was a pretty easy transition, as they had packed the night before. All they had to do was say goodbye to their pack and climb into the car.

"Bye, Kevvy." Kirstin hummed, squeezing her friend tightly. She was a bit nervous to be leaving without him, but knew Avi would be with her.

"Bye, Kit. Love you." He assured her.

The car ride was only a few hours, as they were going from one part of California to a more rural area where his parents lived. They stopped for lunch earlier that day, arriving a while before dinner, with Kirstie still asleep.

"Kitty, wake up, hun." He smiled, gently shaking her shoulder.

She yawned and stretched up, waking herself up. She was excited and nervous, making her leg jittery, as it repeatedly bounced on the floor of the car. "Kirst it's okay, they'll love you." Avi reassured the girl so she didn't get too stressed, and she got out of the car, quickly helping Avi take out their bags. She wanted to appear to be a very good Omega so they'd like her.

Pretty much as soon as the door opened Avi was engulfed into a hug, making Kirstie feel a bit awkward standing in the background, unnoticed.

"Hey, Es." He chuckled, "Your grip is still way too tight." He joked, noting his Omega standing a few feet away.

"Kirst, come here." He hummed, reaching a hand out for her.

"Oh my gosh she's so cute!" Esther exclaimed, lifting the girl into an equally bone crushing hug. Esther was such a fan of Omegas, loving their kind and happy nature. Kirstie couldn't help but giggle.

He smiled fondly at the two. "This is Kirstin." He introduced her to the Omega, knowing Esther would occupy her long enough for him to take the bags in. He was a bit nervous for this trip as well, as he'd mentioned his pack's new omega, but not his new mate.

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