"You need to stop walking away from stuff like this Taylor." He gritted out as he grab my arm from walking another step. I whirl around, feeling annoyed. "Then what do you want me to do? Wait for you to man up and fight for me?" I yelled.

His eyes hardened, "You know I'd fight for you. But how can I fight someone who isn't even there? I never chose any of this to happened Taylor, I don't. I gave you, your space. I just want you to listen but you wouldn't. Its not fair for me. Stop referring me as the bad guy when I tried to fix things with you, and all you did was nothing. You know, its like I'm the only one who care about making 'us' works. Its like I'm the only one doing this, I'm the only into this. Cause you know why? Everytime things gone wrong, You ran. You bolted out. You chickened out. Its frustrating knowing I'm the only one who care enough to fix this fucking thing up. So don't you dare put the blame on me."

"You know I want to so badly be with you. But you don't even want to try and clear things up with me. You left things hanging. So how can you move on with life like that, knowing you haven't solve a problem?" He said with so much pain and anger laced in his voice. I stood frozen on my spot, no words to say. "I hurt too Taylor. You're not the only with emotion. With feelings. I hurt too." He whisper quietly, voice cracking at the end. His hand on my arm loosened before he let go completely.

He stare into my eyes one more time before slowly leaning in and peck my forehead, and turn around walking away. This time, I'm the one who watch him walk away from me. He left me standing here, just like how I always left him.

What have I done? I was so focus on my sadness, I didn't realize that he hurt too. God, I'm so selfish.

Darrel POV

"Dude, stop doing this to yourself man." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. He chuckle and push my hand away, "What? This is better than me mopping around." He slurred as he down another glass.

I sigh and rubbed my face.

The last time I saw him this fuck up, it was the time when Olivia cheated on him. That girl means a lot to him and when she do stuff like that, it took a toll on him. But Taylor, I can see she has a huge effect on Jared. He chuckle and got up from his stool. He stumble through the crowd and out the club, I groaned and follow him. He walk around, with his jack daniels on his hand, singing 'We are young'. In other days, I would laugh at this. But knowing, he was here in the first place, cause his heart got broken all over again, well it make me feel sad for him.

I mean, I would happily said that I actually already had a girl in my arm. Clara. Yes, shocker. She's Taylor's friend. No one know as Clara told me, she want to keep us low profile for the time being and of course, I respected her decision. We've been going out for a month now when I first met her at the hospital, when she visited Taylor.

Bad timing to think about my girl.

I curse myself before jogging after Jared, who somehow standing beside the tree with his arm around the tree and, I think he was flirting with the tree?

"Your secret safe with me baby." Jared said as he look up at the tree.

I groaned and drag him away. "No, you monster, you can't separate me from my love. I'll come back for you baby!" He yelled. I just stickers as I push him on the passanger side of the car before jogging around and got in the driver's side.

"Keys." I said as I held my hand out for Jared to hand me his car keys.

He's the one who drive me here. He look at me weirdly, "What key?" He asked. I just take a huge deep breath before digging in his pocket. His eyes widened, "Are you trying to feel me up Darrel? Dude, I don't rolled that way man. But you can give me bj anyway." He slurred with a grinned at the one.

I look at him horrified, "Don't even think about that man. That's gross. Just disgusting. Ugh."

"Yet, your hands in my pockets, feeling me up." He said with a cheeky smile.

I sigh, "Dude you're really annoying when you drunk." I muttered. He smirk, "That's not what she said though."

I just chuckled and shook my head at my pervert/horny bestfriend. It's seriously been a long time, since I last saw him got himself this drunk.


I walk around the corner, just as I was being roughly grab by the arm. My fist are ready to punch the idiot, when it was only Taylor. I look at her wide eyes. "Where's my mother?" She ask, not harshly. But in a hard voice.

Her hair is up in a ponytail, she's wearing her crop top and shorts with her lace up boots. But what caught my attention is definitely the sight of her tattoo that is by her hip. I didn't see completely, just a little glimpse as I was standing very near and few inch taller than her. She's back home, why?"

"I need to see her. Right now." She gritted out.

I look at her curiously, "Mum is not in New York Taylor. She's back in London." I told her softly. She clench her fist, "Then take me there." She snapped.


"Because. I need to settle things between her." She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. I sigh, "You have finals and graduation to attend Tay. Maybe during the summer?" I suggested in hope she will agree.

Her jaw clench.

"Its now or never Kat."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'll call her." I stated before taking my phone out. I keep my eyes on Taylor as I waited for Mum to answer the phone. Taylor is breathing fine now, like she's more calm. But judging by her eyes, I know she's far from calm.

Something must have happened for her to act this way. She never been harsh towards someone. She's always try to keep her cool even when she's dying to shout inside.

Mum pick up at the third ring.

"Someone likes to speak with you." I told her before hand over the phone to Taylor. She stare at the phone for a minute before reaching out and press the phone at her ear.

"Your fucking stupid moron of a husband found me." She spat through the phone and I can feel the tension in the air just then.

Dad? But he said, he's out for business trio for couple of weeks or maybe a month. Is he lying? Or could Taylor be lying? But why would she lied about dad?

This is just as confusing as the first time when dad told me he's gonna marry someone else.


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Sorry if it's short chapter and I'm sorry for the many plot twist here and there. And I'm sorry if throughout the chapter, you got frustrated cause believe me, I got frustrated too.

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