It's What Friends Do

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The instant the solo cup was pushed into Killua's hands, Gon pulled him off to the side to make room for more customers. The cup was so full, a splash of it sloshed onto the cement. Killua cursed and put his lips to the rim just to relieve a little of it to stop it from overflowing. One sip, though, had him melting a little.

This. This was his kind of drink.

"Good?" Gon said, a hand against the wall as Killua nodded, the sweet, sweet coconut on his tongue. "Good. 'Cause after you finish that, we're dancing the entire night."

"Oh really?" Killua droned, rolling his eyes. "Since when did we decide that?"

"Since you gave me a hard on just watching you on the dance floor," he said.

Killua snorted. He dragged his eyes back to Gon, but Gon merely raised his eyebrows at Killua. The heat from dancing flooded to his cheeks. "Oh, you're serious," Killua huffed, voice cracking. He cleared his throat.

"I'm serious about the dancing. Kind of kidding about the hard on," Gon said, shifting his weight to his other foot. Killua instinctively looked down, only to snap his eyes back up after his eyes honed in on Gon's crotch. Gon grinned. "Kind of kidding."

Before Killua's head could implode, he was interrupted by Machi appearing at his side. He sighed in relief at the distraction.

Machi held a hand out to him, so he shook it as she said, "I take it you know this superstar then."

"Uh, yeah, we... met through Zushi," Killua said, glancing at Gon.

Gon offered a sweet smile and said, "We're gym buddies."

Machi let out a loud laugh and nodded, "Yeah, right, 'gym buddies'. Anyway, you really know how to move."

"Th-Thanks, I guess," Killua stammered, eyes wide. He hid his embarrassment behind the rim of his cup as Machi asked for his name.

Zushi answered for her. "Killua Zoldyck, at your service. I'm Zushi."

"Otherwise known as my dear, sweet Zushi Roll," Gon chimed in, eyes closed with a content smile on his face. He crossed his arms and tipped his shoulder against the wall as Machi raised an eyebrow at him.

"We're roommates," Zushi explained.

"Ah, that explains it then," she hummed. She produced her phone from the pocket on the side of her leggings and, unlocking it, held it out to him. "Well, in case we don't see each other again tonight, text me sometime. And Killua—It's 'Killua', right?—You should hit me up sometime. I'm part of a hiphop group on campus and honestly we just scout the frat parties for recruits. Think of it as a weekly Zumba class but more raunchy."

"Oh, no, I don't dance," Killua said.

They all stared at him like he just blurted out a blatant lie. He didn't know how else to explain that dancing wasn't something he practiced frequently. He was partly homeschooled most of his life and, in high school, his university classes didn't exactly warrant school dances. The only experience he had was with Illumi at house parties.

Machi put her phone up to Killua's face as soon as Zushi was done with it. Killua sighed and tapped his username into her contacts.

She ended with a plastic smile on her doll-like face and said, "Perfect. I'm sure I'll see you three around again."

"Hey, what about my snapchat?" Gon whined. He pulled his phone out from his back pocket and brought up his code.

Machi sighed and took a picture of it. "Not really interested in football players, no offense."

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