Chapter 2: Run Run Run as fast as you can

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Damian's POV

I was currently in my room cleaning some of my weapons, which didn't need much cleaning but just to be safe and intimidating. I also sharpened them but made it blunt enough so it wouldn't hook to anything in the wall if it were to get stuck. Trust me, its happened more than once. During a big fight that I had before the whole incident. Just my luck as well, I only had that weapon. Thank god I was with Bruce that time otherwise I would be dead. Well before everything.

Someone knocked on my door when I was in the middle of sharpening one of my many daggers.

"Whoever it is, I'm a little busy."

Apparently nobody in my house has a sense of manners because they came in anyway. It was someone that I didn't expect. Drake. I haven't spoken to him in a while but he seemed to be in a depressing mood. It wasn't normal for Drake to be like this because he was mostly the happy go lucky one. Grayson is usually the bossy one or the one that acts like a dad, Todd is usually the trouble maker or the rouge one in the family, Drake is the one who is always happy go lucky or is trying to make everyone else happy and Me, well I'm the lone wolf. At least I am now a days. A year ago, I was the one who would prank anyone I could get my hands on and I would be a dick to everyone else. Now I mostly hang around in the bat cave and in my room keeping distance as much as possible. It messed me up more than I thought.

"Well, I wanted to see if you were okay. I mean, you have been distant more than usual and I've been a little worried about you. As long as everyone else. So, are you really okay?"

When Drake asked this, I really didn't know how to respond. I knew that I wasn't okay. It was the day that I got kidnapped. I haven't seen Bruce all day and there was a good reason why. He still felt like it was his fault. I still blame the court of owls but I could see why he would blame himself. I don't personally blame him. I also blame myself for being too weak to see through their lies and what he was doing. I stopped what I was doing and just looked at my hands in the process.

"Ummm.... Im fine Drake. Can you please leave?"

Drake didn't move from his spot at the door. I think he saw through my lies. He is the best detective in the group of Robins then and now.

"Yeah. I don't think so Damian. You were never good at hiding stuff like this. Tell me what is bothering you or I swear you will never leave this room again."

I never liked people hounding me for answers. It was worse when I was in mental pain. I started twiddling my thumbs back and force along with with my other fingers. I was trying to keep my breath under control and I was doing well until he told me that I would never leave the room again. You know, I just decided to give him what he wanted. I did end up controlling it into a rage instead of an attack.

"You know what Drake, no I'm not okay. Today is the day it all went to hell and is the day that messed up everyone in this fucking family. Its my fault and everyone knows it. Todd is hounding me with answers on Elaine and I can't answer them because it was second in line for being the worst day of my life. Everything is crashing down on me and I can't find anyway to stop it. So I distance myself from everyone and everything so I can keep my find over what the hell is happening right now and what was already happening in my mind. Now, are you happy with my answer or are you going to corner me in my own room and ask me for the real truth because you can get it done and other with. Otherwise, I'm leaving and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

I didn't hesitate as I took own of my knives that were near me and didn't bother to open the window as I jumped out of it. I had tears coming out of my eyes and I knew that. I was in normal clothing when I jumped out. I heard Drake screaming my name as I jumped out and I knew that he was probably going to get Bruce or some other family member that most likely didn't care. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't know which direction I would be heading next. I had no plan in my head but to get out before things got worse.

I had hid my dagger in my sock and put my hood over my head so nobody on the streets could recognize me. I was walking down a random street in Gotham that I didn't recognize. I didn't care. I had my hands in my pockets and every now and then I would take them out to wipe my face from the salty water that was hitting the concrete as it made its way down my face. I realized I had my phone when I felt it vibrating in my back pocket of my jeans.

I casually stopped on the side and put my food up on the building. I looked at my phone and saw that Bruce was calling me at the moment. I disregarded it and declined the call. I saw some more notifications of Grayson texting me and Todd calling me and many, many calls from Drake. I didn't respond to any of them and quickly turned off my GPS on my phone so they wouldn't be able to track me. I didn't know how to react. I left my phone in my pocket and continued on my merry way.

I didn't know where I was. I didn't know what my intentions were at this point. I didn't know how they were going to find me because I knew that they were going to find me. The only question was, who was going to find me first?

Road to Recovery(?)- Sequel to Never Again Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora