a ferret will go on a quest

Start from the beginning

Once in the Big House, we all sat down, with a ping pong table used as a table. Before Chiron could tell me to say the prophecy, my best friend spoke.

"Sirrah say to me right now what befell to Lady Artemis ere I beat thou till thou choke it out"

"Can you talk normally for once? It makes me want to puke every time you open your mouth, plus nobody can understand you" I said, with everyone slowly nodding their heads in agreement to the second statement. 

"Just say to us the bodement, or thou shall be 'i sad danger."

"You mean prophecy. And say you, nobody uses thou unless it's a shitty Shakespeare school play," my girlfriend Thalia said to her

"Yeer. Yoor. Yeeee" Nightshade tried to say

"Oh just forget it," Thalia said

"Anyways, let's hear the prophecy. So, it goes like this," and I proceeded to say the prophecy. By the end of it, all of them were looking at me with fear, and Zoë Nightshade had a look of terror on her face. 

"So what now. We analyze it or something? Because I already know who's coming with me," I said after a minute of silence

"why is a sirrah 'i charge of rescuing milady?" 

"For anyone who needs a translator, the Mary Magdalene here said 'Why is a boy in charge of rescuing milady'. And to answer it, I was given the prophecy."

"Why did you get the prophecy? Didn't you sneak in?" Percy Jackson asked. I controlled myself for not throwing a punch at him. 

"Yes I did, but it wasn't because I just had the idea to ask for a prophecy. It was an order I received that night,"

"And how do we know that you aren't a spy?" Malcolm X (I like that nickname for him) asked me

"You just gotta trust me. It's in my best interest that Lady Artemis is rescued, even if I despise the hunters. Now, are we going to discuss the prophecy?"

"Yes please, I'm getting bored," Silena talked for the first time in this meeting. 

"Ok. 'Five shall go west to the goddess in chains', that means I decide five people who will go with me. Ideally, it would be me, Thalia, Lee, Silena, and Malcolm, but it can't be all campers. Plus, I'm not sure if everyone wants to come."

"I shall hie, alongside another hunter," said a very special someone

"Whel, it will be me, Thalia, the ferret, anothuurr hunter, ayn' one mawe person. Ay weysh it would be Silena," they all looked at me as if I had lost a braincell. "If nightshade keeps a-talkin' like that there, ay will talk how ay mighty talk. So be done warned,"

"What?" asked Clarisse

"I said that 'If Nightshade keeps talking like that, I will talk how I really talk. So be warned'."

"Okay, proceeding with the meeting, which other hunter shall go?" asked Chiron

"Methinks Phoebe should'st join. She is our meetest tracker."

"Okay, and Silena Beauregard, will you be joining?"

"I prefer to sit this one out. Sorry Jagger," Silena said

"Naw wawries. Whel then grover, will y'all join us?"

"Oh absolutely! Everything for Lady Artemis!!" I cringed at the thought of this goat boy being in love with my mother.

"Perfect! So we already have our five quest mem-" I started to say before I was so rudely interrupted

"What about me?" asked Percy Jackson. Seriously, this guy can be so obnoxious it's annoying.

"This is my quest and I hate you. Therefore you're not coming. Plus, I don't think the hunters would appreciate another boy traveling with them."

"But I'm important"

"And I don't care. May we continue with the discussion of the prophecy?"

"Yes. So, the next line, 'One shall be lost in the land without rain' means that one of the questers will die or be lost where it doesn't rain. I suggest staying away from the deserts." Beckendorf said

"Yeah. And what about 'The bane of Olympus shows the trail?'" Silena asked. Everyone looked at Mr. D. expecting an answer, but he didn't give them one. Thankfully, I already knew which monster (perks of being the son of the hunt), so this prophecy would be a piece of cake. Imagine if I end up dying, that would be so lame. I mean, I prefer if Zoë Nightshade dies. She's a good for nothing feminazi who would kill or castrate -or maybe both- every guy she sees. Plus, she always talks with that ancient accent and doesn't even want to improve it. Even I change my accent so people can understand me, but noooo, she's just so bitchy that she-

"Jagger! Are you listening?" Thalia shook me out of my thoughts. I noticed the room was empty, with only her by my side.


"We're leaving in half an hour. So go to your cabin and get ready!" I kissed her lightly on the lips and began running towards the Hermes Cabin. Should I tell the questers that Artemis is my mom? Or will that become known to everyone in the journey? What should I do?

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now