"What am I gonna do with you?" Jiren shook his head and pulled her close. Mae blushed as he patted her hair. She really enjoyed these small moments with him.

Later that night they dressed in normal clothes. Jiren wore a simple blue shirt with khaki pants, while Mae wore a black long sleeve shirt with blue jeans. They flew to the high school and looked for Videl and Gohan who hadn't arrived yet. As the people began to filter into the building some stared at Jiren as they walked. He and Mae didn't care if people stared though.

Finally Videl and Gohan landed in front of them. "Sorry we are late. Pan was being difficult about us leaving." Videl huffed.

"She's quite the trouble maker." Gohan laughed.

"Well she is a saiyan." Mae said jumping up. "I'm sure she's gonna grow up to be strong."

Jiren chuckled softly admiring her enthusiasm for her niece. "Shall we?" He held his hand out for her. Mae smiled at him before taking his hand and walking inside.

People seemed to be moving out of their path, whispering about Jiren's strange looks. However a well placed glare from Mae shut them up. As they continued to make their way through the crowd Mae recognized a blonde haired girl. She spotted them and came racing over.

"Mae! It's been so long." Erasa said excitedly. "You are with Gohan and Videl of course. Who is this?"

"This is my husband Jiren." Mae introduced him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jiren said cordially.

Erasa nodded at him before leaning into Mae. "You know he's an alien right?"

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Mae said sarcastically. "He's technically from another universe but Gohan won't let me talk about that."

"Mae!" Gohan exclaimed bringing his hand to his face.

Erasa blinked at her before laughing. "You are so funny! I see you haven't changed at all these past few years." Jiren gave Mae a skeptical look and she shrugged. "So how did you two meet?" Erasa asked.

"Tournament in space." Mae said causally and Gohan nearly choked.

"She didn't mean that." Gohan said quickly. "It was a regular tournament."

"Oh I see." Erasa laughed. "I saw Sharpener earlier. I'm sure he's around somewhere."

"Is he still smitten with Mae?" Videl asked exhaustedly.

"I'm not sure. Maybe when we see him we can ask." Erasa tapped her chin.

"Speaking of." Videl pointed at Sharpner who was heading straight towards them.

"Mae! I didn't expect to see you here." Sharpner said leaning into her. "Did you come out here just to see me?"

Jiren stiffened at his comment and Mae put a hand on his arm. She gave Sharpner a deadly smile and cocked her head. "Now why would I waste my time just to see your dumb ass?"

"I knew it. You are still in love with me." Sharpner reached out to touch her but Jiren grabbed his wrist. "Who the hell are you?" Sharpner glared at Jiren.

"I'm her husband." Jiren glared back at him.

"Tch, yea right." Sharpner scoffed jerking his hand away. His eyes slid back to Mae. "Maybe we should pick up where we left off all those years ago."

"I'd rather die." Mae said trying to shove passed him. "Also this really is my husband."

"Don't tell me you are really with this freak." Sharpner spat the word at Jiren.

"Back off you son of a bitch." Mae growled lowly, braking the table she had her hand on.

"You heard her." Sharpner turned to Jiren.

"I don't think she was talking about me." Jiren said cooly. "I don't know if you know this but my lovely wife here isn't known for her cool temper, so you better watch yourself."

"What you think you are some sort of tough guy?" Sharpner squared his shoulders, ready to pick a fight with Jiren.

"Why don't we all just calm down." Gohan said trying to defuse the situation.

"Stay out of this nerd!" Sharpner snapped at him. He swung at Jiren and punched him in the chest. His hand felt like it hit solid rock and Sharpner swore. "What the hell?" His hand was throbbing.

"Shall we go?" Jiren asked turning to Mae.

"Sure. I'm bored anyway." Mae shrugged. "Erasa it was good seeing you. Let's meet up again sometime."

"S-sure." Erasa nodded quickly.

"Hey I'm not done!" Sharpner yelled trying to grab Mae again.

She turned around and grabbed his wrist, bending it backwards until he was on his knees. "Don't ever try and touch me." For a split second her eyes flashed purple, both Gohan and Jiren noticed and they sucked in air.

"Mae let him go." Jiren said softly.

"Tch," Mae let go and Sharpner crumpled on the ground. "Gohan, Videl stop by sometime later."

"Sure. We will see you later." Gohan said hugging Mae goodbye. He gave a concerned look to Jiren who gave a short nod.

When they got home Mae sat on the couch leaning back. She draped an arm across her face. "What a waste of time." She groaned.

"Your eyes flashed purple for an instant." Jiren said cutting straight to the point. "Do I need to worry?"

"No." Mae dropped her arm to look at him. "I was just angry. It's probably a side effect from letting Drae fight Broly."

Jiren stared at her for a solid minute. "Will you be okay?"

Mae leaned into him, resting her head against his chest. "Yea I'll be okay. I doubt it'll happen again."

"Does she speak to you?" Jiren kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"No she's been quiet since Broly left. As far as I know she's back to her slumber." Mae looked up at him. "I wouldn't worry."

"Easier said than done when it comes to you, my love." Jiren laughed. He brought his fingers to her cheek and softly stroked her.

"I do know how to handle things you know." Mae stuck her tongue out at him.

"I know." Jiren kissed her softly bringing her closer to him. It was nice just to relax and enjoy each other in that moment.

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