Chapter 1: Ruby Rose

Start from the beginning

I watched them fly into the air. I turned to the Shopkeep who was watching the commotion with awe. 'I don't blame him.' I thought. "Hey, do you have a magic ring I can borrow?" I asked.

To my surprise, he nodded and threw one right at me. I caught it with ease. "Thanks!" I then ran after the bullhead, at Mach speed.

I ran strait up the building and as soon as I reached the top I jumped after the man's bullhead. "Gotta go fast!" I muttered, and with my Scythe I started spinning like a bowling ball, charging up my spin attack.

Normal POV

The bowler hat man was yelling at the woman in the cockpit. "Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!"

But the bullhead proved to be too slow for the girl and an explosion rang in the air as the human (Faunus?) cannonball collided with it and sent the villains flying.

The spinning Scythe wielder angled herself back onto the building. "Wow. Guess I won't be seeing much more of them today." The wolf girl turned around to see a blonde woman with a purple cape walk up to her. The wolf girl blinked. "Who're you?"

Roman POV

I groaned as I got up from the wreckage. 'What the hell was that?!' I said, before I collapsed.

Ruby POV

I followed the woman into a warehouse with a desk and two chairs on either side. "Wait here. There is someone who would like to meet you." I shrugged and sat down at the desk.

The woman opened the door and out came a silver haired man with dark green spectacles. 'Professor Ozpin?!'

"Ruby Rose." He said. "You..." he studied me closely. 'Oh gods. He's looking at my ears!' "...have silver eyes..." 'uh... what?'

"So," He showed me footage of me taking down the henchmen, then the bullhead. "Where did you learn to do this?" He asked. 'Gods. He's kinda scary!' "S-Signal academy?" 'Crap! Don't stutter Ruby!' "They taught you how to wield the most dangerous weapon ever designed?"

'Yep.' "Well, one teacher in particular!" I replied. He smiled. "I see." He set down the plate he was holding. 'COOKIES!!' I started inhaling them at high speed.

"It's just that I've seen only one Huntsman with that skill before." He said sitting down. "A dusty old crow."

Qrow POV

I sneezed.

Ruby POV

"Yep!" I said after swallowing. "That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal!"

Qrow POV

I sneezed again.

Ozpin POV

I smiled. "I might have known." I then asked a question that I knew would spark everything. "You really look up to your uncle don't you?"

Ruby grinned. "Heck yeah I do! He taught me everything! How to use my aura, my semblance, my weapon, martial arts. Everything! He's also one of the reasons I wanna become a Huntress! My parents are hunters themselves, and my sister is going to beacon to become a Huntress herself!" She stood up. "I still have two more years at Signal before I can go there myself, but heck, as long as I can believe I can be a Huntress, it doesn't matter what happens, cause I'll never give up!" She declared, striking a pose with her weapon.

As she finished her speech, I could of sworn I saw a massive bonfire burning behind her.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked. She sat back down. "Your Professor Ozpin! The headmaster at Beacon." I smiled. "Hello!" "Nice to meet you!" She said grinning.

'She's the perfect definition of a Huntress.' "Glynda?" "Sir?" She turned to me. "Please move Miss Rose up two years in the curriculum." Ruby's jaw dropped. 'Just the reaction I was hoping for.' "It shall be done, sir." Glynda Replied.

I turned to Ruby. "I've looked at your records and your grades at Signal are higher then the average student of Beacon. Therefore, you deserve to be moved up by two years. Do you want to come to my school?" I asked. Ruby shot up nodding eagerly. "YES!! More than anything!!"

"Brilliant. Welcome to Beacon, Ruby Rose." I smiled seeing the excited look on her young face.

Normal POV

The next day, Ruby found herself being smothered by a certain busty blonde, on the airship to Beacon. "Oh my gosh!! I'm so proud of you Rubes!!" She cried, squeezing the helpless girl into her massive rack, her long reptilian tail wagging.

"Ack, Yang, I can't breath!!"

Ruby POV

Yang quickly released me. "Whoops! Sorry!" She then gave me another hug, this one gentler. "But dang, two years? Talk about lucky!" I sighed. "Yeah. But I'm gonna be the youngest person at Beacon. Everyone's gonna be looking at me thinking I'm special. And I don't want that."

Yang smirked and knelt down to my level. "Hey, wipe that frown off! I'll protect you from the bullies! Just like always, got it little pup?" I pouted. "That's not what I was talking about, but thanks anyway."

Yang stood straight and ruffled my hair between my ears, causing my tail to wag. 'Aw Yeah! Head rubs! Yang is the best!' "Come on, sis! There are bound to be people here you can make friends with." 'Yang is always so positive!'

Just then, our attention was drawn to the news on the TV.

"The robbery was lead by the nefarious criminal, Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade the authorities. As for the person that stopped the robbery, the best shot that the reporters could get was this:" They showed a video of me jumping to the tallest building and impacting the bullhead. "Whoever this person is, their Semblance is indeed the most curious one we have seen in the world so far."

Yang whistled. "Dang. You really did wonders, last night." I felt rather proud of myself. "He he! You can't beat the fastest thing alive!" Yang smirked. "There's my little sister!"

Suddenly the picture on the screen changed, and a holographic picture of Glynda appeared. 'That's the woman that was with Ozpin!' I recognised.

"Good evening to all new students of Beacon." Yang blinked. "Who's that?" "I am Glynda Goodwitch." "Oh."

"You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." The hologram said before disappearing.

We were left with a stunning bird's-eye view of Vale.

"Holy Crap! Look at the view!" Yang called out.

I nodded. "Yeah, I've never seen Vale from this high before! Look! You can see our house from here!... I think? Or is that signal?"

Yang grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Well, either way, this is taking a place in view records!" I rolled my eyes. "You and your sense of humour." But I smiled nonetheless.

Our attention was then drawn to a noise from the other end of the airship, where a blond boy was struggling to hold down his breakfast.

Yang winced. "I guess the view's not for everyone, huh."

I nodded. "I'd hate to be him." I then jumped into my sister's arms in fright, as the boy came near us and threw up on the floor.

"Ack! Gross!" Yang quickly began backpedaling. "Gross, gross, gross, gross! Oh gods I think I have some on my shoe!" "I'm sorry!" "Put me down! And get away from me!"

(A/N: Aw yeah! Another chapter down! Woo! And in case you didn't see it, Ruby's Speech was inspired by the character song 'It doesn't matter' from Sonic Adventures DX/Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. And I've given some extra physical contact, to the sisters. And it seems that our little flame wielder is afraid of Ruby's fighting style. Tee hee! In the next chapter we'll have Ruby's little meeting with Weiss!)

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