Chapter 3

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I close my eyes and let the sound of joy consume me. I can't understand a word anyone is saying but I know they're all happy. We're alive and we're free. We never have to go back to the ark ever again.

When I open them again, through all the bodies running around in the forest, one in particular catches my eye. She stands still looking out in the distance with a map in hand.

I make my way over to her and when I'm standing beside her I hold out my hand like Monroe did with me. She looks at me before shaking it. I just smile without saying anything.

"Oh, right, sorry. I don't have a name...yet." She smiles in understanding before nodding her head.

"Well, I'm Clarke. Nice to meet you." I look out at the view with her to see nothing but green and sky. The forest goes on for what looks like forever with a mountain placed in the middle. When I look back at her she looks concerned but I can't understand why. Before I can ask, she speaks her mind.

"Do you see that peak over there?" She points at the mountain and I follow her path. I shrug before answering. 

"Yeah, what about it?"

"That's Mount Weather. There's a radiation-soaked forrest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain." I turn around to look at the forest realizing the arks error.

"Assholes." I mutter to myself before I turn back to Clarke. "So, what are we supposed to do?"

She shakes her head and holds her gaze with the mountain. Nothing could have prepared us for this. Even if we did land on the right mountain, no one told us what we're supposed to do. We're just kids thrown into a suicide mission we didn't volunteer for.

    I decide to take a walk and think it over. It's going to be hard to convince a bunch of teenagers, already drunk on the idea of being free, to takepart in a labor intensive hike to a place the council on the ark wanted us to go.

The more I think about it, the more I don't want to go myself. For the first time in sixteen years, I am free to do whatever I want. I can run straight on without hitting the cell wall. I can yell and scream and tell the whole world to piss off, and no one can stop me.

I stop when I reach I small clearing coated in a layer of purple. I kneel down and touch the top of the flower with my finger. It's long purple spikes are surprisingly soft as I stroke them. I pick one out of the ground and stand up. It doesn't smell like much but it's the first flower I've ever seen in my life.

"Calluna Vulgaris." I'm startled by a sound surprisingly close to me. I turn to see a young boy looking at me with a small smile.

"Sorry...what?" I ask, returning his smile and he laughs realizing his strange start to a conversation.

"The flower. It's called Calluna Vulgaris." My mouth opens up in an 'o' shape as a realize what he meant. It's a pretty name that I'll probably forget in the next couple minutes, but I look back at the flower. "People also call it Heather. I guess, cause it's an easier name to remember." I smile and look back at him.

"My name is Monty." He says before we hear yelling from the drop ship. We turn and jog back to see the Chancellor's son and some other boys getting heated. We join the growing crowded around them just in time.

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy gets up in his face. I think the Chancellor's son was named Wells. I remember hearing a boy yell at him on the drop ship.

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