08: What's Going On?

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"Zoro... What happened?" Nami asked. She was worried about Mei, it was a strange outburst.

"Don't worry about it," the swordsman said waving his hand, "It happens all the time."

"But Zoro-san, she's your sister. Shouldn't you go after her?" Brook wondered.

"Yeah Zoro! Go after her!" Luffy chimed in.

"You're a terrible brother!" Chopped cried.

His temple twitched. Everyone was getting on his nerves, "Shut up!," he scowled, "You guys don't know anything about her."


"Mood swings?" Luffy repeated tilting his head slightly, "Isn't that the same thing as bipolar?"

Zoro shook his head, "Mei's mood swings are extreme. They can be caused by the lack of sleep, excess stress, and sometimes sudden experiences. And when they do happen, there's no way to stop her until she's satisfied."

"Zoro," the sniper questioned, "this happened before didn't it? How bad was it?"

"She nearly killed a boy twice her size when we were kids. She interrupted a fist fight and beat the kid down."

Sweatdrops ran down everyone's heads. Thankfully Mei wasn't using her anger against their ship, nevertheless, it was pretty serious.

"And how did you calm her down?" Franky asked.

"I had to stop her. Well, more like show her I was still alive."


"Some kids thought it'd be fun to break the rules and team up with blades. Mei saw and her emotions broke."

Another sweat drop joined the other. The two siblings were definitely dangerous both together and alone.

The crew stood on deck wondering what they should do. They thought about finding Mei, but there was a chance that she hasn't cooled down. The pirates didn't want to take the chance on making things worse.

"Yosh!" Luffy said as he jumped off the ship, "We're looking for Mei."

"Wait a minute! Luffy!" Nami exclaimed.

"Zoro! You're coming too."

"Huh?" The swordsman's brow rose.

"You're going to apologize."

"I'm going too!" Chopper stated firmly.

Luffy grabbed onto Zoro's shirt collar and pulled him off the ship. Chopper jumped off after him with his blue backpack on. Nami was hesitant on letting them go, especially with Zoro terrible sense in direction and Luffy constantly getting sidetracked.

Then there was an echoing bang. All of the pirates' heads snapped towards the direction of the sound. It came from the forest. Zoro's blood ran cold. Without a word he bolted into the trees.

"Zoro!" Chopper shouted hoping to stop the swordsman in his steps.

But it was too late, by the time the reindeer yelled, the Roronoa boy had already disappeared. The rest of the crew had no choice but to split up to search for both of the Roronoas.

Zoro panicked, his feet led him into the forest the moment he heard the gunshot. There was no way Mei would use a gun. It was impossible, their blood was bound to swords and other bladed weapons. Whenever they held a gun it would feel foreign and they couldn't use it efficiently. So he knew something was wrong. Despite knowing his sister was strong, he couldn't help but feel dread creeping up his spine.

It took him several minutes until he saw Mei's pale figure leaned against a tree. She was limp and blood ran down her right shoulder. Zoro rushed over to her side and grasped her wrist checking for a pulse. It was faint, but it was there. He was slightly relieved, but he still needed to check whether or not the bullet went completely through. He gently propped Mei up and supported her with an arm across the shoulder blades. His eyes stared at her back where her skin was free from blood stains.

"Shit," Zoro cursed as he set his sister back on the tree. The bullet was embedded into her shoulder and there was nothing he could do except wait for Chopper.

"Ugh..." a groan came from Mei.

She eyes flickered open and she slowly attempted to sit up, but flinched from the pain. Her eyes glanced at the hole in her shoulder and watched the blood slowly drip out. Zoro quickly removed his bandanna from his arm and folded it before pressing it against the wound.

"Don't worry," he said, "Chopper will be here soon."

She gave a weak smile in return, "How...do you know...Baka-Ni?"

"I know."

Several minutes later there was a rustle among the bushes. Zoro sprung into his battle stance with Sandai Kitetsu in hand. He prepared himself for an attack and waited until the brush ceased moving and a small figure emerged. It was Chopper who was followed by Luffy.

"Zoro, there you are!" Luffy exclaimed, "Didn't you go the other way?"

"Chopper," Zoro called him over, "Mei."

"Ah Mei! Was it the gun shot we heard?" Chopper inquired, "Hang on, I'll get it out soon."

Weakly, Mei put her hand up, "W-wait. It's a made out of kairoseki. I'm sure there are pieces spread around."

"Then, we need to get you to the ship. I have supplies that will help."

She shook her head, "Not now, I need to head back."

The Roronoa girl attempted to stand and stumbled on the first step. Zoro caught her and held her steady.

"You can't go like that. Your powers are weakened," Zoro declared.

"I have to," she insisted, "The barrier is weaker than normal. I have to protect that place."

She pushed her brother's hands away and begun to walk to the east. She suddenly stopped because of what blocked her.

"Luffy... please move..."

"No," he stated firmly.

"I have to go."

"I heard you."

"Why are you stopping me?"

"I'll let you go after Chopper takes them out."

Mei sighed. There was no point in arguing. Her adrenaline managed to numb the pain, but it only lasted a short while. She could feel her shoulder pulsing with the bullet pieces.

She nodded, "Fine, but if anything happens you're taking responsibility."

Luffy agreed, "Don't worry about –"

"No. I'll take it."

Mei turned around to see her brother standing behind her. His eyes were stern and prepared.

"Alright. But remember, my life depends on it."

He nodded and then the four returned to Sunny for Mei's treatment. On the way back, Zoro couldn't help but look back in the forest as if something was itching him. He couldn't figure exactly what it was.

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