xv. fights

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- you guys fight about the big stuff
- you're the one who is always yelling
- he'll be the one who stays quiet
- but damn gurl, once he's pissed he'll finally speak up
- ^ yOu'rE sH00K
- he'll walk away to prevent a much bigger fight that'll might lead to something he'll regret
- ^ also to calm himself down
- but in the end of the day, he'll always be the first one to apologize and talk to you in a peaceful manner

- small stuff fights
- but like you guys fight then stay quiet, and then fight again since you're both mad
- not a lot of shouting, but, you both fight in a flat/pissed tone
- you guys will stay away at each other for a couple of minutes
- but  probs one of the worst is a whole day
- wyatt will be the guy who'll be the first to apologize and make it up to you by taking you to a small date

- you guys always fight about the most immature things
- ^ it was always about jealousy
- a WHOOOOLE lot of shouting
- ^ biiiiish the yelling you both can make would probably make the room you're in collapse, and if that was even possible, then it'll maybe turn the room to ashes
- and finn was going to smack the things at his reach
- ^ sometimes break some things because of his anger
- but, once he realizes his mistakes, he'll make it up to you
- BUT MOSTLY at the end of your fights, he'll get fucking horny and let's just say your fights take a different turn

- fights about the smallest things
- his voice will be the one who's always raised
- ^ when you shout his voice has to be higher than yours
- both of your prides is turned the fuck on
- but, even though his pride is hIgH aSf he'll be the one to apologize and give you small gifts

- your fights will be just talking back at each other
- not a lot of shouting
- he'll first talk in a soft tone, but when he's mad he'll start keeping up with your noise
- he's good at making up to you, he'll take you on a date & stuff

IT cast preferences | vol. iiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें