v. he has your phone

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all of them, trusts you, so they won't look through your messages

— J A E D E N
- tries to beat your high score on games
- "jaeden, give me my phone please?"
- "wait! i'm closee!"
- "you're close to what?"
- "beating your high score!"
- ^ eye roll that weaboo
- he'll sometimes beat it
- you'll end up seeing anime sites on your search history

— W Y A T T
- he'll take so many fucking pictures
- probably ending up taking over your whole storage space
- some photos were kinda cute, hot, but most of them are suitable for memes
- and you'll use the funny pics to blackmail him
- "uhuh, you're not going to give me a hoodie?"
- "nope, you can't make me, you already have too much!"
- "really?"
- ^shows a meme pic of him
- "y/nnn!!"
- "back off noodle ass! or give me one!"
- "fine.."
- ends up giving you what you want
- but if he doesn't you'll post the pic
- ^ and the whole fandom will go crazy over it

— F I N N
- he'll take a picture of himself and make it as you background
- he'll sometimes make a funny face
- ^ so when you unlock it you'll be so fucking surprise
- he's not bothered whether you want to share it with others or not

— J A C K
- he'll change your password
- ^ just to annoy you
- he'll crack up when you start being annoyed
- "open it jack!"
- "geez okay,"
- "jackgrazerismydaddy69"
- ^ the password
- "oh my god jack."

— C H O S E N
- he's like a photographer
- takes photo of you
- anything aesthetically pleasing
- ^ das it

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