viii. jealousy

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— J A E D E N

- jealousy rate : 5/10
- he's a little overprotective at some point
- especially when he's new to the person
- "who was he y/n?"
- "no one."
- "no one?"
- "i promise jaeden, he's not something to worry about okay?"
- "sure."
- but when he's supa duppa jealous things get a little heated
- you'll end up giving him a silent treatment because of how possessive he was
- he flirts w/ you once he knows to himself he doesn't like you talking to the boy

— W Y A T T

- jealousy rate : 10/10
- he doesn't like you being touchy to other bois
- your arguments are always about him being so jealous
- when he gets jealous he'll kiss you immediately
- gets super touchy to you
- but once he had it, he'll force the both of you to leave
- ^ even if you don't want to
- "let's go now."
- "what? really now?"
- "yep, now."
- "let's stay for a little bit mo-"
- "damn it! i said now!"
- ^ you being supa shocked
- you'll go home w/ him
- once you step foot at the place he pins you to the wall
- "i didn't like the way you talked to him, let me remind you you're mine.."

— F I N N

- jealousy rate : 9/10
- jelly boi
- he takes actions fast, he makes out w/ ya
- once he get jealous he's very scary
- like real scary
- ^ so you try your best to not make him jealous, it comes to the point you forbid yourself from hanging out w/ others
- sooooo possessive over you
- "what the fuck y/n?!"
- ^ your back was against the wall, and finn's hands were trapping you [ his hands were on the side of your face, but not touching them. ]
- ^ he slams his hand at the wall
- "stop being so fucking jealous finn!"
- "i wouldn't be jealous if you weren't being so fucking touchy with that douche!"
- "why do you have to be so overprotective? you can't tell me what i can and can't do asshole!"
- ^ you were scared at this point, even though you just stood up for yourself
- but in the end of the day he'll apologize for his actions and make everything up to you

— J A C K

- jealousy rate : 4/10
- he's not really making a big deal at it
- just a 'meh' bf
- ^ especially w/ your friendships w/ bois
- the reason he's kinda chill is he trusts you
- but sometimes when you get too far, he'll just give you a silent treatment
- ^ cOLdeR tHAn ThIs hOmE
- but in the end you both will talk abt it, and sort things out

— C H O S E N

- jealousy rate : 6/10
- he trusts you like a lot
- but when he gets jealous he'll start flirting w/ ya
- ^but more of a nice manner, just so the person you're talking to knows you're his
- chill boi
- ;))

an | omg this is horrible i'm sorry ya'll deserve better :""(

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