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- “Pagawayawayin para makontrol” or pwede rin “divide and conquer” ish
- this kabanata just questions who’s actually in power
- not don Rafael even if he’s the richest because people got mad at him
- not kapitan tiago because people talk smack behind his back
- not the gobernadorcillo because he was just a puppet
- compares san diego to rome
- real powerful = pope : rome
                         king of italy : rome
                         kura : san diego
                       alperes : san diego
- everyone wants to control each other
- comparing padre salvi to padre damaso
- padre salvi is enemies with the alperes
- describes alperes’ attitude (he gets drunk a lot and fights with his wife which bothers the neigbors)
- the kura and alperes constantly fight each other for power

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