Calm Before The Storm

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Over a month has passed since I started hunting again with Cas and denied the offer with Crowley. We were in the car, just leaving town after a vamp hunt. Night had already struck and it was silent. Just like every other car trip for the last month and a half. I spoke up once I couldn't take the silence anymore, "Cas, it's been over a month since I told you about what I did. What's wrong? You've been ignoring me and avoiding certain things with me. All we ever talk about anymore is the job and investigations. Does it have anything to do with Meg? Be honest with me."

Cas didn't say anything. The silence engulfed the impala as always.

I raised my voice, "Goddamn it, Cas stop ignoring me! We are hardly a couple anymore, just business partners!"

He argued, "You tortured Meg. Someone I liked for a little while."

"Cas! She killed Sam!"

"Yes and she was doing her job. You have to do your job too, as do I. Sometimes there's casualties in the process."

I slammed on the breaks of the car, "Do you not understand? She killed my brother! She enjoyed every second of it and you're what? Defending the murderer of my brother? Because it was her 'job'? How fucking dare you? I thought you loved me and were on my side? Why don't you go back with fucking Meg! Oh wait?! You can't because I killed her! That was my job!" I took a deep breath and said calmly, "Do you still like Meg?"

Cas claimed, "I don't like Meg at all. I haven't for awhile."

"Then what has been on your mind? Do you love me? I know love is unconditional, but do you love me?"

He voiced, "You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate...It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But when I see the way that mankind loves...You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and...what I'm trying to say, Dean is... I think I love you. Is this love, Dean? I never imagined I'd know it for myself. My feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it's trying to escape because it doesn't belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange - no gifts. No goods. No demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine."

I cupped his cheeks and brought his lips to mine. My eyes clamped shut as tears began to form. I thought he was mad at me. This whole time, no speaking except of the investigations and he hardly kissed me or touched me or anything. He was just trying to figure out whether he was in love with me or not. He may be human now, but his morals are still strong. I pulled away only a few inches, not letting my hands off of him. "Castiel, my heart is yours."

Cas smiled and kissed me. My hands moved down to his lower waist as I deepened into the kiss. He apologized, "I'm sorry it has seemed as if I have been ignoring you, but I have just been figuring things out. It's not easy being human."

I chuckled, "Believe me, I know."

"I'm lucky I have someone like you to share my life with."

"Do you want to go get a motel room," I asked.

He cleared his throat, "Is it for intercourse? Because if so my body is ready," he looked down at the bulge in his pants.

I laughed, "Alright to a motel, immediately."

I stepped on the gas and drove to the nearest motel. As soon as I pulled up I told him, "You get the bag of our stuff and I got the key. Move fast."

I jogged inside the place and up to the front desk. The man had white hair, combed back with his glasses low on the bridge of his nose. "How may I help you," he questioned.

"One room please. Queen bed," I answered, while handing him a crumpled wad of cash.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then at Cas stammering into the room with haste. The man smiled pushing a set of keys for me, "This is a king bedroom. Enjoy."

He counted all of my money out and tipped his head at me, gesturing for me to go. I quickly took Cas' hand and we rushed to the room. I fumbled with the key at first, but managed to unlock it. Cas threw open the door and set our bags against the wall. I grabbed the collars on his trench coat and pulled him against me for our lips to crash against each other. I gently pushed him against the door to shut it, without ending our kiss.

I tugged at his coat, pulling it down and off of his body. While he attempted to pull off my shirt, I was trying to unbutton his. He let go and we both quickly pulled our shirts over our heads and pulled down our pants to add to the pile of clothing. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I lifted him up so he could wrap his legs around my waist. The only thing in between us was our boxer briefs.

I slowly set him down onto the bed and crawled towards him to straddle him. I smiled, nibbling on his bottom lip before I pulled away, "Top or bottom?"

He tilted his head confused, "I don't understand?"

I smiled, "Bottom it is."

I grinded against his bulge. I placed a kiss on his abdomen to start the trail of kisses up to his neck. I sucked a little just below his ear and whispered, "I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to thrust into you repeatedly, over and over. I will do it so good and so soft that you're going to be on the edge of coming and I will stop. You'll beg for it. Maybe I'll be nice and maybe I won't. But if I am nice, the things you will feel, it'll ruin you forever."

I could hear him swallow hard and feel his heart rate speed up. I stood up and walked over to my bag for some lubricant. I peeled off my last remaining garment before walking back over to Cas. He pulled the covers over his body and kicked off his boxers onto the floor. I slid under the blankets and lathered the pinkish liquid onto my cock before beginning. I slowly pushed into him, feeling the muscle around tighten. I kissed his lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth and run across his own tongue.

I pulled out and thrust in again, gradually increasing the speed over and over. My fingers wrapped around his cock and I began pumping as fast as I could. In between our kiss, he moaned, "I think I'm coming."

That's when I pulled out and bit at his neck, sucking hard. He cried out, "Dean please, continue!"

I smiled, "Are you begging for me, Castiel?"

"Yes! I'm begging for you! I want you so bad, no I need you."

I kissed his lips and pushed in again and again and again. With my left hand on his hip and my right hand pumping his cock fast, in unison to my own thrusts, he came. The white substance was on my hand and his stomach. I took in one last kiss, while breathing in deeply and then skimming my tongue over every inch that contained him. When I was finished, I crawled up beside him. He laid his head against my chest and I caressed him in my arms.

I echoed, "My heart is yours, darling."

Cas smiled, "In exchange for mine, my love."

I kissed his forehead gently. He ran his hand along my arm, searching for my hand and he entwined our fingers and hands together. I have never felt more in love or wound together with anyone before than I did in that moment. Everything was perfect and in place just this once.

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