Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside

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If you do not wish to read about torchure, then I highly suggest you skip this chapter. If you don't mind torchure, then read on. Thank you loves.

My only priority right now was to get this bitch to shut the fuck up. First, I poured holy water down Meg's throat. Then, I poured holy water along the silver knife and dipped it in the container of salt. I cut deep into her throat with the knife and watched the blood pour from her body. It gave me a thrill of enjoyment watching. She couldn't speak because she was too busy choking on her own blood.

I smiled up at her as I cut a long slit down her arm with a newly dunked knife and shoved more salt within the wound, as it healed the salt would remain under her skin. She cried out in pain, but couldn't speak currently after carving her throat out. I could only imagine what she was trying to say to me. Whether it was to stop or just end it now, I wouldn't listen because frankly, I was having way too much fun with this.

I decided to continue with her torture. I saw a new, familiar tool laying on the table I smiled and hummed along to Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive. I dunked the new tool into holy water and began carving out her right eyeball. Her attempts to scream gave me some sort of thrill and my adrenaline was pumping.

After removing an eyeball and cutting through the eyelid, I thought why not have some more fun with this. I take my knife infused with holy water and carve into her chest and down to her stomach the words, "Don't mess with Dean Winchester."

In the wounds on her throat, I shoved multiple amounts of salt in and around her throat. I even dunked her head into the holy water bucket. Nothing felt good enough though. Not even the eyeball or eyelid I had removed. I took the demon blade and carved anti-possession symbols into her exposed back.

That was probably the worst pain she had endured of the whole experience. I rubbed more salt and holy water on the wounds and let her sit to just take in all of the pain. I took her eyeball with a tong and dunked it into holy water and rolled it around in salt. I walked out of the room to ask the other demons if they had anything to do with Sammy's death. Most of them quivered in fear listening to what was happening to Meg. The one who had stood beside Meg smiled and said, "I was there when she killed him. I enjoyed watching the blood pour out of his body and that dead look in his eye."

I smiled back, "Speaking of eyes."

I walked into the room with Meg, picking up her eyeball that was laying in the salt. I flashed her a smile before going back into the other room and force feeding her eye to the demon snickering at me about Sam's death. He was resistant at first, but after throwing holy water at his face from my flask, he allowed it down his throat. He screamed in pain. I enjoyed the screams and the stares of shock that came from the demons. They were scared of me and they should be.

I planned to torture only Meg and this other asshat and just stab the others with the demon blade.

My attention was all on Meg again. I stared at the tools on the table, planning my next torture. I saw matches and had an idea. In the corner of the room was a few gallons of gasoline in a plastic red container. I moved the stainless steel table back and got the container. I started pouring the gasoline over Meg a little bit. She kept shaking her head, still unable to speak. She knew her fate at this point, even if her throat would heal she had nothing to say anymore.

I lit the match and threw it onto her body. In between the groans of pain I shook salt onto the flames. I laughed to myself, "Man do I have something cooking."

I let her wallow in pain for a few minutes, just burning there, while I blessed some more water and dump a bucket of holy water over her to put out the flames and cause more pain. I got most of my anger out on her I just really had to stab her a few more times. I dunked my knife into salted holy water and just stabbed her over and over. I enjoyed every second of it. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt. To feel the regret I had felt, along with the guilt she caused me.

I drowned the knife one more time. I clenched it tightly between my palm and fingers. I watched as my knuckles turned white as I cut one long, deep slit from her neck down to her waist. It cut through my current carving saying, "Don't mess with Dean Winchester." I poured more salted holy water into the new wound. The smell of flesh burning and salt has already filled the air. I was ready to get rid of her body and spray some fucking Febreze.

I took the demon blade and stabbed her, twisting it. I felt so satisfied after this long experience, watching the flash of light appear and her lifeless body slump over, made me smile. I threw her body in the corner by where the gasoline had been. I was beyond ready for the next demon. Hell, I was excited for it.

I sang along to Highway To Hell by AC/DC, when I went to get the next customer.

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