The Phoenix

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Dean's Point of View:

I woke up feeling something poking my ear. I started giggling as it vibrated in my ear, until I realized what it was. My eyes shot open in horror. I knocked the pink dildo right out of Cas' hand. He was laughing so hard like a little girl reading their mom's copy of Fifty Shades of Grey for the first damn time. I yelled, "What the hell, Cas?! No one takes my dildo without asking!"

He was still laughing uncontrollably, "I can't believe you have the vibrating kind! But the real question is: Awhy is it pink, Dean?"

"Because it was the last color in stock!"

He shook his head, laughing, "I don't believe that."

"Fine I liked the pink one, okay!"

I grabbed him and pinned him to the ground and tickled the hell out of him.

"Cas, this is the second day since you've moved in! Don't make me regret it!"

"They don't have dildos in heaven! I just wanted to play with it!"

"Cas, you are going to be the death of me. I swear."

He smiled and sat up, "So what are we going to do today?"

I was going to answer, but I heard the phone ring. I held up my index finger to indicate to wait a minute. I walked over to my phone and answered it, "Hello?"

It was Kevin's voice, "Hey! Charlie, Garth, and I were planning on going to a bar tonight. Shoot some pool, grab some beer and burgers. What do you say?"

"Can Cas come? We have some news for you guys."

He answered, "Yeah of course. We have some news for you too. Alright we'll be over at 5 so you can follow us to the bar."

"Okay sounds good. See you then, Kev."

I hung up and turned to Cas, "We're meeting Kevin, Charlie, and Garth at a bar later. They'll be here at 5."

Cas walked up to me, "What do you want to do until then?"

"Anything you want," I winked.

"Oooo let's play twister!"

I laughed, "You're such a little kid."

"Is that a no?"

"Come on, let's go play," I sighed. He cheered and took my hand, pulling me out of the room.

We played twister until they came for five hours and ate lunch in between that. I couldn't believe he talked me into playing, but how could I say no to that face.

When I heard a knock at the door I yelled to Cas, "Are you ready, babe?"

He yelled back, "Yes, Dean!"

I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. Crowley was here in front of me. I shut the door quickly and stood outside with him. "What the hell are you doing here, Crowley?"

"I heard you finally came out of the closet for your little angel," he laughed. "And your little angel is no longer an angel now."

"So? Is that what you came here for? To tell me things I already know?"

"No. I came here to pay my respects about little Sammy. What a shame he had to pass away. I also heard he's in heaven."

"He's finally at peace. Don't you fucking dare touch him."

"Relax, Dean. I'm not going to touch Moose. I actually came to ask for your help."

"I'm not going to help you."

"I need a hunter and you're one of the best. I figured with our history, you'd help me."

"I'm no longer a hunter, Crowley. Find someone else."

He rolled his eyes, "Fine suit yourself. I was going to give you something you might want, but hey, if you change your mind give me a call."

He was gone by the time Garth pulled up with the other two. I opened the door and Cas was there. He asked, "Who was at the door?"

"Um no one. The guys are here though. So let's go."

He nodded and we got into the car together and followed them to a bar called The Phoenix. We all walked in and sat at a booth in the corner. The other three were really quiet at first. I asked, "Why are all of you quiet?"

Garth looked at the other two and when Charlie gave him a nod he turned to me and said, "So we are doing a case and we kind of need your help."

"Garth, you know I'm no longer hunting."

"I know, but we really need you're help, Dean..."

"Is this the only reason you asked me here?!"

Kevin shook his head, "I knew you shouldn't have asked."

I said, "Damn right, you shouldn't have asked. Cas and I are leaving."

Cas started to protest, "But-"

I got up and left. I sat in the driver's side of the impala. I waited a few minutes for Cas, but he didn't come out. I drove off without him. At first I didn't know where I was going. I was just driving. Tears began forming and all I wanted was Sam....

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