20 Dollar Nose Bleed

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I pulled up to the cemetery and got out some supplies from the trunk to contact Crowley. In a few minutes it had worked and Crowley appeared in front of me, "You called, darling?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I wanted to know what you meant by you were going to give me something I might want."

Crowley smirked, "Oh look who's interested now."

"Goddamnit just tell me, Crowley."

"Now, now. No need to get your panties in a bunch. I was just speaking pertaining to little Sammy over there," he gestured to Sam's grave.

"What about Sam?"

"Well you know. I just thought maybe you of all people would want to get your hands on the thing that maned your baby brother."

"What the hell are you talking about? I already ganked that son of a bitch."

"Aw that's adorable. You think that shape shifter killed little ole Moosey? Oh no, my dear, it was one of my incompetent bloody idiots who was hired by who knows what to kill Sam. The purpose you ask?"

I shifted my weight as Crowley continued, "To make you feel guilty for not being able to save Sam." His voiced changed to a game show host voice tone, "And I can give you all that and more if you help me. So what to do you say?"

I didn't even bat an eye, "I'll do it. What do you need help with?"

Crowley smiled, "Well good at least we are on the same page. So ironically, I don't exactly need a hunter. I just needed you. You were one of the best torchurers in hell and I need you to do exactly what you want to do."

"And what would that be?"

"To torchure the demon who killed Sam, of course. Maybe add a few more on because they were all forming a revolt against me blah blah blah. So I need you to kill them. Easy as that. I'll give you your own special torturing room and all the utensils you'll need."

"Not saying I won't do it, but why can't you do it yourself?"

He sighed, "Because, dimwit, I have other things I have to do. Not too mention it looks bad for me to do that to my own kind."

"Alright, when can I start and I hope you know, this doesn't make us friends, douchebag," I said.

He rolled his eyes, "As much as I would love to be your friend, this is strictly business. You can start anytime you want. I have the demons all chained in a room beside the torture chamber. All under a demon trap. Would you like to start now, love?"

I was just thinking about Cas and the rest of my so-called friends. I stared at the ground and took a deep breath. Not like they would miss me for the time being anyways.

I looked up at him and his witty smirk. "Alright, Chuckles, let's go."

With a snap of his fingers I appeared in a gray dull room. There was a chair in the middle of the room with leather restraints and a demon trap was present underneath. I ran my fingers along a stainless steel table with various torture tools.

Crowley put his hand on my shoulder, "Well you have fun. I have some business to attend to. Also, some information you might need: the demon that, you know, killed Sam, yeah it's the one on the far right. I figured you should save the best for last. Also I forgot to mention. You have some history with this particular demon. Alright, have fun now, darling."

He disappeared and I was kind of curious who the demon was, if I supposedly knew this son of a bitch. I clapped my hands together. "Alright let's get started," I said to myself.

I used my iPod and blasted some classic rock. I thought, might as well have some fun with this. It's been awhile. I walked over to the metal door and held my hand on the handle. I was preparing myself to see the killer of Sammy. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. Then I opened it.

Immediately my eyes fixated on the far right as the room was filled with laughter of the demons. I couldn't believe my eyes. A few snickers from the other demons had said something similar to, "Wow look at his face. Priceless."

My fists clenched as I stared at the demon. I ran towards her and started beating and punching the shit out of her. I caused a bloody nose, that wouldn't stop bleeding. She laughed in between coughs of blood, "Hello, Dean."

I yelled, "Why the hell did you kill him, Meg?!"

She coughed again, "It's part of the job, sweetheart."

I punched her again, attempting to release some sort of anger I contained, since I was beyond furious.

Meg had killed Sam.

I shook my head trying to wrap my mind around everything. I said, "I'm not going to wait until after I gank the rest of them. You're going to go first, you bitch."

"Wow, Dean, I am honored."

Immediately I knew where I was going to start with her. I pulled her chains from the others and brought her into the room. I strapped her down as tight as they could go. She made an orgasmic noise, "Oh, Dean, can't go any tighter?"

I slammed my hand on the table, "Shut your damn mouth, asshat."

She laughed, "Is someone getting angry?"

I pulled out a silver knife from the line up of weapons, "Looks like I'm carving out your throat first so you can't speak."

"You can't do that," she said appalled.

I smirked, "Oh yeah? Watch me."

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