XI [updated]

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Ness stared at Lucas's wall. Lucas went down to get dinner even though Ness had eaten two hours ago. In an hour, he promised himself, he'd confess. Lucas came back up the stairs, "It's really hot, be careful." Lucas warned. Ness's mouth watered at the smell and took the plate from Lucas, wishing he hadn't grabbed it full force and heeded Lucas's warning. Lucas sat beside him, blowing on a bite.

Ness couldn't stop the anxiety from the confession rising and he tried to make conversation so he didn't have to hear himself think.

"You tired at all?"

Lucas shook his head as he started to eat. "I've been working around the house all day. It's been pretty relaxing actually." Lucas's idea of relaxing was drastically different from his.

"That's nice." He responded.

"Ness," Lucas started, "I know we've only been friends since the beginning of the school year, but... I hope we'll be friends for a lot longer."

Ness's heart clenched at the word "friends".

"Where did this sentimental stuff come from all of a sudden, huh?"

Lucas flustered, looking away. "It's just that we've been through a lot recently. I hope we don't drift apart or anything."

"Yeah. Me too." Ness replied.

Lucas tried to sit a bit closer to him, trying so hard for him to get the hint.

This was it. Ness was going to burst. He was going to wait a bit until they were done eating and then confess. He couldn't wait an hour. He felt like he couldn't even wait these few minutes. He begged for Lucas to finish eating quickly in his head and was relieved when put the last bite in his mouth. Lucas offered to take their plates to the kitchen and once again, Ness was left alone with his thoughts. How was he going to word this? Was he just going to improv it? Wing it and hope he sounded like a modern Shakespeare? Lucas came back, Boney by his side.

"Wanna go outside and play fetch with him?"

"Sounds fun!" Ness blurted out.

"You okay?" Lucas cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I'm fine, just ready to get all this energy out!" He nervously laughed.

"Alright. C'mere, boy!" Ness followed Lucas into his backyard and looked around. Lucas was lucky, if he didn't have a streetlamp right by his backyard it'd be pitch black right here.

Ness tried to think of a good moment to bring it up. Lucas looked like he was having so much fun. Ness threw the ball to Boney, Boney would run off with it, and Lucas would chase after him. Rinse and repeat. Lucas was a bit gangling, but that made him even more... charming? Cute? The time seemed to stretch on endlessly. Eventually Boney got tired and begged to go inside, and Lucas caved in.

"I'll be right back out."

"Finally," Ness whispered to himself. Ness sat himself on their back porch, looking up at the night sky. It was a bit chilly, but there were countless amounts of stars out. It was amazing to him. Maybe he was simple minded.

His stomach tied itself in knots and he wanted to back out. He wouldn't be surprised if he threw up right then and there or in the middle of attempting to confess. Tonight, he'd finally be free of his burden and hopefully wouldn't have created multiple more. Lucas hopped back out and sat beside him, looking up at the sky as well and speaking after a little bit.

"Isn't that crazy? All of those could be suns with galaxies and in those could be people like us."

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