01 | Moving Out (Bella)

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"Evangeline Knight!" I shout her government name while heading upstairs, knowing how much that ticks her off. "I would appreciate a sign to let me know you're alive!"

I saw my mother's car outside, so she must be around here somewhere. Then again, she runs two hair salons. She might be on an important phone call and simply can't respond to me. I try not to psych myself out otherwise because this behavior is typical of her.

Even before my father left us for his other family, my mother has always been a workaholic. I took on a lot of responsibilities around the house because I was an only child, and that included making sure the doors were locked every night. Had that task been left to my scatterbrained mother, we probably would have been robbed a hundred times over by now.

"Okay, Mom. I'm starting to get a little nervous here..." Once upstairs, I turn the corner and head straight for my mother's bedroom. I peer inside her opened door. "Thank God."

I sigh in relief when I see my mother sitting at her work desk. Her back is to me, so I sneak over to her. The reason why she couldn't hear me yelling is because she has in earbuds. I tap her on the shoulder and she spins around with a startled look.

"Oh! I didn't hear you come in, darling. Sorry about that." Mom removes her earbuds before standing to give me a hug I didn't know I needed until now. "I'm so glad you're okay, Bella. Know that you can stay with me for as long as you want, and if you need a little cash to help get back on your feet, I'm here to help. All you have to do is ask."

"Thanks, Mom." I decide not to beat around the bush after we pull apart. "I couldn't help but notice all the boxes downstairs. What's going on—" I pause, suddenly at a loss for words when she answers my question by raising her left hand. On her ring finger sits a giant diamond that probably costs more than the house we're standing in. "Wow! Um, congratulations?"

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I didn't want to introduce you two without being 100% sure he was the one for me, but I suppose I may have waited a little too late, huh?"

"Late would be an understatement," I reply. "Mom, when did all this happen? What is his name? Where did you meet him? I'm so confused right now!"

"There really isn't much to say, darling. I met a wonderful man about a year ago. One thing led to another... we fell in love, he proposed, and I said yes." Mom flashes her ring again, grinning hard. "As for the mess downstairs, I'm packing up to move in with Kaden. It doesn't make sense for a married couple to live apart, right?"

My head is spinning. I grip the edge of her desk for support, feeling like I'm going to pass out from the weight of this unexpected news.

"I'm guessing Kaden is..."

"Your new stepfather."


Had I been told about all this beforehand, I'm certain I wouldn't be taking her news as hard. My mother and I aren't tell-each-other-everything close, but we have a healthy relationship and speak frankly about a lot of things. I had no clue she started dating or was even interested in dating again, and this is partly why I'm struggling to process her big reveal.

My mother hasn't been in a serious relationship with anyone since I was ten years old, ever since my father left. I'm honestly thrilled she's found love again, but I wish she hadn't kept me in the dark about it. I should not have found out that she's been dating, got a boyfriend, got proposed to, and is now getting married all within five minutes.

"I'm trying to be happy for you, but this is a lot to digest," I confess. "And I don't want to rain on your parade, but... a year? Sounds like this relationship progressed pretty fast."

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