Your POV

I fluttered my heavy eyelids opened. I'm.. on the floor? Is there a pillow under my head? What just happened? I was just awake and now I'm here-
I grabbed my head as a painful migraine pierced through my temples when I tried to sit up.
"Y/N, does your head hurt?" Zen asked me concerned. Wait- Prince Zen? Did he get in the room?! DID HE KNOCK ME OUT?!
I stood up from where I was a little too quickly and stumbled around in a circle for a second. The Prince stood up too and tried to reach out for me but I slapped his hands down in defense. "What did you do to me?!" I shouted a little too loud while I was freaking out. I couldn't think for myself from this migraine and adrenaline..
Prince Zen looked at me in amazement for some reason. Maybe because I just slapped him..
(or you just talked to him for the first time but whatever) (Note from Nessa(<- our editors name ♡): my thoughts exactly 😂 I was like, "Whoa!!! She can speak again!")
"I-I didn't do anything!!" He blushed, tightening up and putting his hands up.
Right.. he's so innocent, I forgot.. He wouldn't have done anything bad to me, he'd never even think about hurting me.
"Th-that's not what I meant.." I relaxed and put my hand on my forehead. I felt really dizzy again-...
"Y/N!" Zen shouted lightly and caught me in his arms as I fell over.
"Oh.. that must have been what happened last time then..." I talked to myself while trying to keep my consciousness this time, with a little giggle at the end. I let him hold onto me for a second so I could catch my breath. That's weird though.. It still doesn't hurt when he touches me like everyone else's does. It just kind of.. Gives me chills, I think..? "What's wrong with you?.." I whispered thinking out loud.
"I-I'm sorry?" He stuttered and raised an eyebrow. "Well I kinda thought you didn't want to fall again-" he began trying to explain himself but that's still not what I meant.
"No, Prince.." I mumbled drooping my eyes. "It doesn't h-hurt.. I feel like I-I have chills..." My voice started to cease with every word. Every word.. I'M SPEAKING?!
I widened my eyes and looked at Prince Zen finally realizing everything! I was talking! And the Prince was- He was-.... Oh my gosh!
I jumped away from his arms and searched for my mask on my face but it wasn't there.. in fact I left everything at that mansion. Damn it!
"P-Pri...prin-..." I stuttered before my voice went away again.
No... not yet!
I shut my eyes and balled up my fists so tightly, it popped all my fingers. I punched the wall as hard as I possibly could.
"DAMN IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs but it didn't matter. No one could hear me again. What is with my voice?! Why is it so selective?! UGH!
I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down. When I was calm enough I noticed the hole that I left in the wall.. it was to an empty room, thankfully. But when I looked back over to Zen- Prince Zen with my head down.. he looked worried for me. Really worried. I've never seen anyone look like that.. I can't even explain it. But why does he care so much for me? Only one person has looked at me like that.. well, maybe three including my parents and Obi. The look... it's the look you give someone when you wanted to help but you just can't.
Suddenly I heard loud footsteps from four different people come running here. It made my heart speed up. No one else can see again. When the Prince turned his head, I kicked the glass window and jumped off the balcony and ran back to that empty mansion. I was going to get the two things I lost and was going to catch that stupid boy.

Zen's POV

When I turned my head to the door, Y/N had already shattered the window and jumped out. She was running back to the mansion. Why? Just to get her cloak and mask back?.. What made her want to keep covered all the time, is it really this important?
I ran after her along with that boy who kidnapped her. I don't like him but he seems just as- or more worried for her safety than me. He jumped from tree to tree and I ran on foot. Thankfully, the rain stopped but I can't find her footprints..
"Prince! This way!" He shouted at me.
"How do you know?" I yelled back.
"Because she used to run off all the time! Look, I can see her footprints now!" He shouted again and pointed below him. They must have known each other for a long time..
By the time we both got there, she was already standing in front of the mansion interrogating and slapping the boy who made her jump out that window.
"Wow" I blushed a little without noticing. I stared in awe, how'd she do that so fast?
"Whoa, Prince! Keep it in your pants while in front of a lady!" Obi- I think that's what Y/N said yesterday, smirked and walked towards Y/N.
"Wh-What did you just say?!" I yelled, embarrassed, and walked forward.
"Easy Miss! You can stop slapping him now... because it's my turn!" Obi grinned and walked up to the boy tied up on the ground. Y/N nodded and stepped back.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! No more!" I chuckled a little bit under my breath.
"But Prince..." Obi groaned annoyed.
"You're coming back with us." I looked at the boy.
"Oh yeah? Who's gonna make me? And just who the hell are you all?!" He shouted at us. I pulled my sword from its sheath and the other two stood behind me. I could already hear the others coming close behind with the horses.
"That crest.." he muttered.
"I am the second prince of Clarines, Zen Wistaria. You are now under custody and will be taken to the prison nearby soon enough." I told him. He seemed freaked out but I don't think it was from me.. it was from the baboon behind me who was slapping his belt together as Y/N giggled to herself next to him. I slapped my forehead and turned around, "OBI, WILL YOU STOP?!"
"Prince!" He gasped. "You know my name! I'm shocked! I feel so honored!..."
Y/N giggled without a sound to herself.
Those two are going to be troublesome..
Mitsuhide came and took care of the kidnapper with Kiki and the rest of us went back to the inn to wait for them to get back. While we waited, Y/N had been given medicine from Shirayuki for her fever, but at some point she started sneezing and got a little cough. Obi seemed fine, but I can't understand what he's thinking..
I told Shirayuki to go and get a few hours of rest before the sun came up, which left the three of us to talk.
I was about to ask Y/N about what we talked about earlier before she passed out, but it seemed Obi already knew.
"Prince Zen, she's given me permission to talk about it since she cannot" he spoke seriously for the first time. I looked over to Y/N for a second, she nodded than I looked back to Obi. Obi took a second to raise an eyebrow to Y/N as if he was asking another question.. it made Y/N very uncomfortable by the looks of it.. she turned her head away and thought for a second before agreeing with another slow nod..
"All of it.." Obi sighed and slouched over resting his head on his hands and his elbows on his knees. "She's never had a life" Obi put it simply with a blank face.
Y/N slapped his arm before rolling her eyes then agreeing with a shrug. Obi laughed at that. (Note from Nessa : Obi, you are quite the messer 😂 I love this story waaaaay too much)
"We've know each other since we were 11. We've always been friends because we were always trapped inside the same castle walls.." Obi sighed.

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