Escaping Mirkwood

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Astrid's POV

"I was surprised when I was informed of a female hobbit journeying with dwarves. Until I saw this" Thranduil states pulling out my father's axe. "Just like you grandfather following Thorin" he states.

"It wasn't Thorin, I was following" I tell him.

"Either way, you don't belong with them" he states standing up. "I have a proposal for you" he tells me.

"I'm listening" I tell him.

"I'll let you go with your axes" he tells me.

"In exchange for?" I ask him.

"Nothing, your duty is to protect the Shire and you have abandoned. I only wish for you to return there and stay there. I since darker times ahead and they'll need their protector, not the dwarves" he states.

"So I leave the company and return home. Then you'll return my axes?" I ask him looking at my father's axe longingly.

"I'll even provide you an escort" he tells me smiling. I bite my lip thinking about his offer.

"If I do as you ask, there is one thing I ask for in return" I tell him.

"I won't free the dwarves" he tells me.

"That is not my request" I tell him shaking my head. "I was not the only hobbit on this journey. We left my cousin out in the woods as your elves did not know he was with us. I wish to find him, only then will I return home" I explain.

"That is all you ask for?" he asks me.

"Can I say goodbye to the company as well?" I ask him hopefully.

"Of course, now I cannot send a search party until morning as there is a feast tonight. You may go wash and new clothes will be provided along with a room for the night. Enjoy your stay" he tells me holding my father's axe out to me. I take it and hold it close. "The other axe will be in your room" he states.

Just then the female elf from before appears and she leads me from the room. After I curtsied thanking the king. At my request she leads me to the dungeons first and I allow her to hold my father's axe while I go to speak to the dwarves.

"Hi guys" I say.

"Astrid!" they cheer approaching the cell doors.

"I've come to say goodbye" I tell them and they start to shout at me. I notice the elleth leave and turn to them. "Shut it" I tell them firmly and they do so.

"What do you mean by goodbye Astrid?" Fili asks me looking sad.

"Thranduil told me there are dark times ahead for the Shire and that they'll need me. He agreed to return my axes and help me find Bilbo. In exchange for leaving you guy" I explain. "Don't worry abandon you guys, us hobbits can go unseen when we want to. Bilbo and I avoid being captured by the goblins. And he avoided being captured by the elves. We can escape them and come back for you all" I add.

"It's to risky Astrid, you should leave with your cousin while you have the chance" Fili tells me.

"He's right lass, we'll figure our own way out" Balin assures.

"Don't worry, I'll think of a good plan. They are sending a search party for Bilbo in the morning. Then I can scout around and find an escape route. Once they return with Bilbo we'll escape them and retrieve you all. Just be patient" I tell them. Just the I notice the blonde elf approaching. "I'm so sorry Fili, but my people need me" I tell him tearing up.

"You betrayed us Astrid!" he snaps getting my plan. "I hope a spider catches you" he adds.  I gasp and step away from him. A hand lands on my shoulder and I look up at the blonde elf who is glaring at Fili.

Cousin of Bilbo Baggins: The HobbitWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt