Stone Giants

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Third Person

It is morning; the company (minus Gandalf) are hiking along the path away from Rivendell. "Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on" Thorin says. Astrid was walking with Fili and Kili laughing, in he travel clothes again. While Bilbo was trailing behind the company.

"Aye" Balin says and takes the lead with Dwalin beside him. Bilbo turns around and looks back at Rivendell, longingly.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up" Thorin calls. Making Astrid look at her cousin as he caught up with the group. She was about to see if he was ok, when Fili asked her a question about Bree.

"Well besides seeing the black smith, I sometimes fought there under a fake identity wearing a mask" she states.

"Did you ever win?" Kili asks her.

"A few times, they called me 'The Axe Man'. Only the pub owner and referee knew I was a woman" she tells him.

"I've heard of you, is it true you nearly took a guys head off once. Just because he said an axe isn't a real weapon?" Fili asks.

"No, he said my axe was a kids toy and I nearly took his head off" she states and they all laugh.

They are crossing the Misty Mountains; the trail is narrow and dangerous, with a cliff on one side and a sheer drop on the other. There is a fierce storm in the air, with lightning and rain all around. "Hold on!" Thorin shouts to the company. As Bilbo walks, the stone beneath his feet gives away, and he starts falling into the chasm; Dwalin manages to pull him back in time.

"We must find shelter!" Astrid shouts.

"Watch out!" Dwalin shouts. The company look up and see a massive boulder hurtling through the air; it hits the mountainside above them, causing rocks to fall all around them as they press themselves against the mountain. Fili somehow protecting Astrid with his own body.

"You ok Astrid?" he asks and she nods her head.

"This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!" Balin shouts. A stone giant rears up from a nearby mountain. It rips off a massive boulder from the top of the mountain.

"Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!" Bofur shouts. Giant #1 throws the boulder far in the air; another stone giant, #2, appears from behind the Company, and it is hit in the head. The dwarves yell at each other to brace and hold on, and the rocks beneath their feet begin to give way from all the vibrations and from the impact of the falling rocks. The ground between some of the Company members splits; part of the group is on one side, and part on the other.

"Kili! Grab my hand! Ki..." Fili starts to say. As the two stone giants fight with their fists, the dwarves hold on tight as they are flung around. One of the groups manages to jump to a different spot. A third stone giant appears, and it throws a boulder at the head of one of the first two. That one falls over; as the first group watches, it appears to them that the other group of the Company has been smashed to bits. The hurt stone giant loses its footing and falls down the chasm.

"No, Kili!" Thorin shouts. The group rushes to the spot where the others appeared to have been crushed, but they are safe.

"We're all right! We're alive" Balin calls.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asks the others.

"Bilbo!" Astrid calls.

"There!" Ori shouts pointing to the side of the mountain.

"Get him!" Dwalin shouts. Bilbo is seen hanging onto the edge of the cliff with just his fingertips. Ori dives onto the ground and tries to grab Bilbo's arm, but Bilbo slips and falls another few feet before he catches another handhold. Fili and Kili holding Astrid back as she shouts in protest. Wanting to save her older cousin.

Thorin swings down on the cliff next to Bilbo and boost him up, where the others pull him to safety. Astrid runs forward free of the brothers grip and hugs Bilbo. Dwalin tries to lift Thorin back up too, but Thorin loses his grip and begins falling too; however, Dwalin, with much effort, is able to pull him back up.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar" Dwalin states.

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us, Dwalin" Thorin tells him. Astrid having enough of his attitude storms over to the pair and slaps Thorin across the face.

"You have a problem with my cousin Thorin, you have a problem with me. Unlike Bilbo, I can defend myself. So unless you want a taste of my axe, I suggest you be nicer to Bilbo" she tells him before storming away. The company found a safe cave for the night and set up their bed rolls. Astrid as far away from Thorin as possible. No fire was made, so she wrapped herself in her cloak and went to bed early.

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