Theseus was still choking on his soup and wheezing helplessly. Leta shook her head, then went back to her food.

"You're back at work tomorrow anyways," she mumbled into her bowl. Theseus suddenly seemed to find an immediate need of attention for his soup.

Tina sucked on a tooth. "And I'm working from home. Again," she muttered. Queenie suppressed a giggle.

"Because we need someone to look after Newt!"

A scowl replaced the complacent look on Tina's face. "There are three of you at home," she protested. "Why do I have to do it on my own?" Jacob flashed her a cheeky grin.

"But where's the fun in that?"

Tina pursued her lips, then went back to stuffing her face. Newt ducked his head, trying to avoid participating in any conversation. Theseus winked at Jacob.

"Operation Newtina!" he called from across the table, and leaned over to hi-five him.

Tina sighed pointedly and rolled her eyes. "Give it up, guys."

"Never!" cried Leta, raising her glass in salute.

Tina propped her head on a fist and gave her a toothy grin.

"Keep dreaming, Leta," she teased. Leta smirked, grinned back, and took another spoonful of soup.

The rest of the meal remained uneventful, and Jacob and Theseus volunteered to do the dishes, much to Newt's annoyance.

Theseus took him by the shoulders and steered Newt out of the kitchen while he rattled on about reasons why he wasn't allowed to help with household chores yet.

Newt repeatedly objected, but Theseus hushed him, banned him from entering the kitchen for the next two days, and thrust him forward towards Tina before demanding that she make sure he gets to bed.

Newt stuck his tongue out at Theseus before turning to Tina and offering her a wry grin.

She giggled softly and hesitated a moment before gently placing a hand on his arm and leading him toward the brothers' bedroom.

They'd just reached the door when a sharp voice caused both of them to whip around.

"Hey Tina, Newt."

Leta trotted up to the pair, then halted, a sly grin spreading across her face. Tina hurriedly dropped her hand and tried to appear natural. Newt cringed.

"Um, Queenie wants your opinion on something," she said, but added quickly, "But if you're busy, then it's not really necessary. Actually, I think I'll just go-"

"Leta! It's fine! I'll go talk to her."

Tina shifted on her feet for a moment, then quickly planted a kiss on Newt's cheek and swept past him before disappearing into the other room.

Newt stared after her, mouth open in a silent gape that resembled nothing so much as a fish out of water. Leta chuckled.

"Love, Newton. You're in love."

She mockingly patted his shoulder, then held open the door. Newt snapped back to the present, a bright crimson blush already forming on his cheeks.

"I am not," he muttered, leaning his crutches against the wall and sinking onto his bed. "I think I'll get changed now."

Leta's smile faded slightly. She nodded. "Right." A tiny flicker of a grin reappeared. "Want some help?"

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