Chapter 1

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Jungkook POV

???:wake up kookie



"JUNGKOOK!"I fell off  my bed."God dammit jungkook.You over slept again.Get the fuck up.Its your first day at your new job. "Screamed jin.I swear he's like my mother.

Strutting over to my closet,I pull out what I'll have to wear today.There's no specific dress code,thank god."Be downstairs in 10 minutes or I'm leaving your ass here."I nodded,too tired to actually speak.

"I was having a nice dream,"i muttered.Dragging myself off my bed,i proceed to take a shower.Turning on the water and music,I start to sing along to the words.I couldn't be that late right?

I looked at the clock.

Well shit.Im screwed.

Quickly i turned off the shower and ran out to my room to get dressed."Holy fuck its cold!" Curse me and my lazy ass.Throwing on my black clothing i ran downstairs,hair still dripping wet. I ran into the kitchen where jin and jimin were seated at the dining table having breakfast.

Yeeting  myself to the kitchen,i grabbed a waffle and ran to the door almost tripping in the process.I stumbled forward onto jimin.

"Woah easy there kook,"he said slightly chuckling.I met jimin through jin.He's doing pretty well.He has his own dance school and is a teacher as well.Meanwhile I'm here running late for my new job as some assistant in the kim company.

"I knew you were eager to see but not this eager."he laughed. "As if jimin.Im just doing this to get a living and some money to get back my apartment.No offence jin,"i said sheepishly looking at him.  "Yeah no problem for looking over your sorry ass."he said with an eye-roll.

"I love you."I smiled. "Anyways,what is it about this company anyways? I dont even know what my boss looks like." I scoffed. "WHAT!"jimim exclaimed."Ok lemme get the straight,you were hired as an assistant but you don't know who your boss is or what he looks like?!"

"Pretty much yeah." I shrugged. "Anywho,Im out of here.Im already late as hell so imma sprint cuz why not."

"Weren't you leaving with me?"asked jin. "Yeah i was.You make alot of stops before we get to our destination so I'll run."

Before he could respond,i was zooming out the door.

"Fuck im so late."i muttered. Who knew that this kim guy was so rich like dam.I saw my other colleagues lining up at the main entrance.It's a tradition they have to line up to greet the ceo of the company.There were chats and whispers coming from different groups.

"Is that the new guy?"someone asked."He's kinda cute."Some random girl said.Of course i didn't give two shits about what they were saying. I came here for work not relationships.

I sighed."New and already has so much attention."Someone chuckled.I turned to them.He was tall,a few inches taller than me.He had blonde hair and a cute smile along with a friendly voice. "Hi im taemin,lee taemin.Nice to meet you...."he extended a hand.

"Jungkook,jeon junkook." "Nice name.I didn't think stacey would be taking interest in you so quickly." "Who now?"i asked a bit confused. As he was about to answer someome stepped through the door.He was the most beautiful man I've ever seen.Tall,muscular,gorgeous;Now i know what angels look like.

"Good morning fellow staff members."The gorgeous man said.Oh my god his voice is so smooth like velvet and so fucking deep.I gulped."My name is taehyung or as some of you may not know.I am the ceo of this company.I hope we all can work well together in this safe environment."

I felt a kick on my leg.I held back my cry of pain and shot a glare at taemin."Ive been calling you for the past minute.Stacey is the blondie in the back staring at you."he said. I turned around and saw her staring.I felt disgusted and slowly turned back to taemin."Yeah that aint gonna happen in any universe." I chuckled. Taemin and I sort of zoned out from what was saying.

"She's known to be the slut of this building.She tries to get with all the guys but mostly" I chuckled."Keep dreaming hunny."i said. "Honestly she looks like a Barbie doll,like"I laughed out loud earning everyone to stare at me. 'Well shit,Great going kook.'I thought.

"Is there something funny you would like to share?"he asked. I  looked down. "Come foward please. "A shiver ran down my spine knowing that he was looking at me as i walked. "Right is there something funny that you would like to share with the rest of your colleagues?"he asked. "N-no sir."

"What is your name?"he asked. "Jungkook"I squeaked.Did i just squeak?I just squeaked.What the fuck. "Im sorry what?"
"Jungkook,"i said a bit louder "Jeon Jungkook. "

"Well jungkook i know you're new here but please dont interupt me when im speaking."It may sound like a normal address but the way he said it and the look in his eyes say otherwise. I dont know if that was part of his dom side shining through but if it was oh my god.My breath hitched as he stared at me for what seemed like 5 minutes but was actually 5 seconds.

"Okay everyone.Get to work."I turn on my heel to walk away."Oh jungkook!,"he calls "Welcome to the team."He cocks an eyebrow.I swear i felt my heart flutter.I saw taemin talking to another handsome guy.I stumble towards him.

"H-hey."I say. "Hey kook,this is my friend jonghyun. "He waved."Nice to meet you." "Kook you okay?Your face is pink."he laughs."Y-yeah im fine."I stuttered. He looked at me then at who i suppose is "Oh i see."He smirks. "Come on let's get you set up."I nod.

'Its gonna be so hard to focus with my new boss around.'I sighed.

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