Chapter 9

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*Rose's POV*

I wake up to find Eric literally wrapped around me, all four of his limbs curled around me like tentacles. It's the first time I've ever seen him asleep and I could've stared at him forever, he looked so peaceful and beautiful. But my attention was quickly drawn to the uncomfortable wet feeling in the bed. I try my very best to move out of Eric's grip without waking him, but of course, he wakes as soon as I make the slightest movement. He looks at me and blinks several times before grabbing me and kissing every inch of my face.

"Oh thank God," he says between kisses. "I thought I lost you. I can't tell you how sorry I am, I never meant to hurt you, Rose."

"Don't worry, Eric, I'm fine." I look him straight in the eyes to make sure that he knows that I'm being sincere. "But could you let me get up for a minute? I need to use the restroom."

"Are you sure you're okay?" He has his hands on either side of my face and he looks genuinely concerned.

"I'm positive," I say smiling at him and give him a quick kiss on the lips before getting out of the bed to head to the bathroom but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear Eric gasp loudly in the bed behind me.

"Jesus Christ, Rose!" I turn around and see what's causing his shocked reaction. Half of the bed along with half of his body is absolutely drenched in blood. I look down and see a steady stream of blood continuously running down my legs. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me that I was hurting you last night?" Eric exclaims as he gets out of the bed.

"You didn't. I..."

"Don't lie to me, Rose!" he growls, cutting me off mid sentence and I can already see the cracks spreading from his hands up his arms to his shoulders.

"Eric, please calm down, I'm fine."

"You are the furthest fucking thing from fine! You're practically bleeding to death right in front of me!" He walks to the wall on the opposite side of the room with both hands in his hair, the cracks already covering his whole body and then there's a deafening crashing sound as his fist collides with the concrete wall, I think he punched a hole in the wall that went almost all the way through to the other side. "Get back into the bed." He doesn't look at me as he says the words but something in his voice made it clear that I shouldn't argue with him so I just obey his orders. He leaves the room, still not looking at me and goes into the bathroom where I can hear him filling the bathtub. Moments later, he returns and looks at me with his bleeding red eyes. He picks me up and starts carrying me to the bathroom and I ignore the intense sting of pain between my legs as he slowly lowers me into the water. He stands and takes a deep breath and I'm pleased to see the blood starting to be soaked back up into his eyes and within a few seconds, his eyes are back to their irresistible blue again. He turns away from me and gets into the shower on the opposite side of the bathroom to wash my blood off him. He gets out in less than a minute and makes his way over to me after wrapping a towel around his waist, the cracks also completely gone.

"I hate myself for doing this to you," he says but refuses to make eye contact with me, instead, he keeps his eyes fixed on my hand that's resting in his. "I'm going to fix this, I won't let anything happen to you. I'm just going to go down to the hotel pharmacy, I'll be back in two minutes, please stay in the water until I get back." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and leaves the bathroom and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I can't believe that losing my virginity to the first man I've ever loved ended in such a mess. It doesn't take long for the water I'm sitting in to turn crimson red as I lose more and more blood and I'd be blatantly lying if I said that I wasn't starting to worry. This can't be normal. But then again, nothing about my life has been normal lately. Before I my mind could really run away with me, Eric comes back into the hotel room and enters the bathroom with a plastic bag in his hand.

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