Chapter 1-Meeting The Gang

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Unknown POV
My head throbbed. I slowly came to my senses. What happened? Where am I? I warily opened my eyes letting a moan of discomfort pass my lips. I tardily moved my head in a upwards position trying to take in my surroundings. The room was dark with light breaking through the boarded up windows. I sensed movement to the left of me.

"So, you're finally awake. I was beginning to wonder if you were dead." A man wearing all black approached me. I tried to move only to realise that I was tied down to a old wooden chair with duct tape. They must be on a budget. The man had short brown hair and deep brown. A smirk played with his lips.

Unexpectedly, a familiar voice spoke to the right of me. "Omg same, I thought that I was actually going to have to find someone else to cut my hair because let me tell you I do not trust hair dressers that easily. This hair is a master piece, it should be put in a museum when I die"

Looking to the right, I was surprised to find that all of my friends were tied up ,with ropes ,looking blankly at the man with deep black hair with lighter brown eyes.

"HEY, what did I say about speaking when not spoken to?!?" The unknown man's face filled with anger. You could practically see steam coming out of his ears. This guy really needs anger management classes, but then again Shakeel can be pretty... How do I put this?....irritating. God knows what he has been saying when I was unconscious. To be honest I do not really want to know.

Then it hit me...

"Wait a second" I exclaimed "Why do my friends get to be tied up with ropes and I get cheap Asda duct tape? Also, why am I sat on a chair and these lot aren't? Not that I am complaining, but am I different?" The angry guy looked at me in disbelief. I am going to name him Brian for now because I like the name Brian. He turned so his muscular body was now full facing me. He opened his mouth to speak

" Before I kidnapped you, I noticed that you were giving out commands to these bunch of idiots so I assumed that you are the leader, please correct me if I am mistaken" A bunch if gasps and moans were given out by my friends as he referred to them as idiots.

"Yes, I am the leader. Do you know why? It is because I have the capability of protecting them. I am confident, strong, trustworthy,brave and undeniably beautiful. My gang had a vote and they all voted for me knowing that I would be able to lead them to a better life. You will mark my words when I say that I will get revenge on you no matter what you do to try and prevent it... And there is also the fact that I am the oldest. Now tell me who are you?" I stared confidently into his eyes waiting for a response. Silence filled the room as the tension grew thicker and thicker by every second ticking by.

"I will tell you my name if you tell me yours" The man finally spoke after what felt like hours of waiting had passed. Pleased with the response, I started introducing me and my friends.

"Okay, so over here we have Katie (Katie has deep brown hair pairing with her eyes) also known as kit kat, next to her we have Katie (she has ginger hair with blue eyes) also known as ginger ninja, next to her we have Katie,I know right big shocker there mate, (she had a darker ginger and turquoise eyes) also known as Katie because we don't have a nickname for her, next to her we have Joe, known as Joey, (short brown hair with grey eyes)then we have Benjamin, known as Ben(short blond hair with green eyes), then Shakeel, then Alicia(long very light brown hair with green eyes) and finally to leave the best till last, me. Hello, I am Leah(very long, shiny chocolate brown hair with grey eyes) now, what so you want with us for we have done nothing to trouble you?"

I asked curiously. I blinked only to find when I opened my eyes again a black metal object was pointing towards my forehead. I gulped. Looking up, I could see the look of fury and disgust painted on his face. I wonder what his face will look like when he realizes that he has the wrong people. He still hasn't given me his name.

"As if you do not remember, not do not test my patience because if you think that I will not shoot, you are mistaken" taking the safety off the gun whilst staring daggers into my face.

"It would be wise to pick your next words wisely, Leah" KitKat spoke up, warning me for future events that may occur if I make a wrong choice because she is smart like that. Swiftly, the mysterious man pointed the gun at her.

"Say another word, I dare you" Brian threatened. Kit Kat's eyes filled with fear as she put her hands up in surrender for she did not want to die and time soon. I took this as a great opportunity though, to let my stupidity run free and possibly ruin my life, but you know YOLO. Am I right!?!

"Dare accepted" Brian snapped his head around and you can tell that he was probably going to kill me, but you know I'm the main character and they can't kill me off that easily.

"What did you say?!?" Brian said in a pretty calm and quiet voice. The quiet before the storm. I spoke again." I think you need to clean your ears because that was pretty clear if you ask me." yep I'm dead. Brian pointed the gun back at my little nugget and his ofinger on the trigger. Signing, I rolled my eyes. I was getting annoyed now. Even more annoying than stepping in something wet with socks on.

"Are you actually going to shoot me because you standing there threatening me with a gun. But now I'm beginning to doubt that you are actually going to kill me and now I am bored" if you want anyone to threaten someone or even kill someone that do not call up Brian. I swear that my nan can do better than this dude. I would roundhouse kick her down the stairs and she would still be more threatening than Brian.

"You just got roasted man!"Ben laughed

Ben's lifeless body hit the floor, blood pouring out of his head.

"I would feel sorry for him, but he stole my baloney, so I feel nothing" I looked at Ben's dead body with a raised eyebrow.

Brian pulled the gun back to me"Any last words?" I quickly responded

"Yes I do actually, can you cry underwater?"

Wow first chapter and someone is already dead! I hope you guys have enjoyed the story and please tell me if I have a spelling or grammar mistake or if something is unclear so I can go back and change it! Also feel free to give me any suggestions that you would feel would improve this book.
In this story, there are movie references. Try and spot them when you are reading. Also, you can name the dots below to see what crazy and wacky name you guys can come up with.
These names in the book are actually my friends in real life, so it is there personality in this situation . If you was wondering why there was three Katie's then you know why now. As you probably have guessed I am Leah! (Insert heart emoji)

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